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Last active September 25, 2015 21:42
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xquery version "3.1";
declare namespace tei="";
let $doc := fn:doc(
for $element in $doc//tei:bibl/tei:bibl
where $element/@xml:id
(:let $attribute := $element/@xml:id:)
(:where $element[@xml:id="bibl251-11"]:)
(:let $term := $doc//tei:bibl[@xml:id="bibl251-9"]/text() :)
let $term := $element/text()
let $search-term := fn:substring-after(
$term, "."
let $final-search-term := fn:encode-for-uri(
let $query := fetch:text(
let $ref := fn:doc($query)//*:entry[1]/*:id/text()
return if (not(empty ($ref)))then (insert node attribute ref {$ref} into $term)
else ()
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