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Created February 24, 2020 14:54
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Convert between APR & APY yearly returns
const SECONDS_PER_YEAR = 365.25 * 24 * 60 * 60;
* Formula source:
* @param interest {Number} APY as percentage (ie. 6)
* @param frequency {Number} Compounding frequency (times a year)
* @returns {Number} APR as percentage (ie. 5.82 for APY of 6%)
const apyToApr = (interest, frequency = BLOCKS_IN_A_YEAR) => ((1 + (interest / 100)) ** (1 / frequency) - 1) * frequency * 100;
* Formula source:
* @param interest {Number} APR as percentage (ie. 5.82)
* @param frequency {Number} Compounding frequency (times a year)
* @returns {Number} APY as percentage (ie. 6 for APR of 5.82%)
const aprToApy = (interest, frequency = BLOCKS_IN_A_YEAR) => ((1 + (interest / 100) / frequency) ** frequency - 1) * 100;
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ghost commented May 3, 2023

thank you.

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