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Created September 16, 2019 22:24
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<div class="wp-block-cover alignfull has-background-dim"><video class="wp-block-cover__video-background" autoplay muted loop src=""></video><div class="wp-block-cover__inner-container"><!-- wp:paragraph {"align":"center","placeholder":"Write title…","fontSize":"large"} -->
<p class="has-text-align-center has-large-font-size">Premium, organically grown hemp-based broad-spectrum CBD products with zero THC. A natural alternative to relieve pain, inflammation, and anxiety.<br>[shop-now]</p>
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<h2>Our Products</h2>
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<p>Tulip Tree is proud to offer the finest quality, Zero THC hemp extracts, tinctures, gummies, topicals and pet products on the market today.</p>
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<p class="fp-large-1">Founded by a nurse with decades of clinical<br> experience in critical care, hospice, cardiology, and natural medicine, Tulip Tree is the culmination of a lifelong passion to help people relieve pain and suffering.</p>
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[shop-now class="purple"]Ready to Shop?[/shop-now]
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<h1>Stress-free dosing with clear instructions --<br>based on YOUR needs.</h1>
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<p>CBD consumers often have difficulty decoding label information. This can be perplexing and potentially misleading. Too often, this information becomes a source of confusion in selecting the right product and dose for their health and wellness needs. Customers ask “how do I know how much to take” and “what if this isn’t the right product for my symptoms?” (questions can link directly to answers in FAQ).This prevents them from experiencing the therapeutic benefits of CBD.</p>
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<p>One-size-fits-all rules for dosing DO NOT apply to CBD. The rule of thumb is to start low and gradually increase the dose until you experience the desired result. But there are several factors to consider for dosing including the concentration of CBD, body weight, and the severity of the symptoms. We take all of this into consideration when we recommend products to help you find relief. </p>
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[take-our-quiz]Let's Get Started[/take-our-quiz]
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<p>Plus, we offer:</p>
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<ul><li><strong>Convenient single-dose units</strong></li><li><strong> Easy-to-use packaging and clear dosing instructions</strong></li><li><strong> Guidance and education about how to use CBD</strong></li><li><strong> Customized plan of care for your symptom relief</strong></li><li><strong> Driven by the guidance of a healthcare professional</strong></li></ul>
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<h2> <strong>The Tulip Tree Difference: It starts with Trust.<br></strong></h2>
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<p>Jeri Schulz, the founder of Tulip Tree, is an experienced nurse. Her life’s work has been – and continues to be -- helping people find relief from pain and suffering. What better credentials for this woman-owned, family-run company than having an RN, devoted to natural healing, at its helm?</p>
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<h2><strong>Premium Quality Products &amp; Peace of Mind <br></strong></h2>
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<p>Safety Transparency is paramount in all Tulip Tree products. We use only organically grown, premium hemp. Our plants are grown in the U.S. in clean, rich soil free of contaminants. All processing is done by our Colorado-based manufacturing partner where quality control is the top priority. They are the largest, fully and vertically integrated producer of phytocannabinoid-rich (PCR) hemp oil in the world and the only company with <strong>Zero THC</strong> Broad-Spectrum water-soluble CBD oils and powders.</p>
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<h2>If you're an RN, click here for special savings.</h2>
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<p>The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared 2020 the Year of the Nurse. Tulip Tree is proud to celebrate and honor nurses all year in recognition of their selfless passion for caring for others.</p>
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[shop-circle]<a href="">Nurses Shop Now</a>[/shop-circle]
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<h2>Processing &amp; Testing</h2>
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<p>During processing, all traces of THC (the cannabis compound that creates a “high”) are removed. What remains is a broad spectrum extract with all of the complementing compounds, terpenes, and<br> flavonoids. Tulip Tree products undergo rigorous manufacturer and third-party lab testing to ensure that they’re free of solvents, heavy metals and pesticides. Lab results for all Tulip Tree CBD products are available via links on our website.</p>
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<p>Our goal is to give you peace of mind about the quality of our products, so you can trust you’re getting the purest CBD available.</p>
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