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Created March 13, 2013 15:00
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Save sters/5152952 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Script to compile some script language. for me. I use notepad++ and NppExec plugin. this plugin can run to any shell program. But don't process according to file extension, so write this script in process according to file extension.
# Any file compile run on shell.
# Can't some file joint compile that regret...
# target : win32, Ruby
# necessary : Ruby # can simple file name processing and command run.
# gem/win32console # color set
# support : haml It mean, "can compile command run".
# sass If you not installed these commands, can't compile.
# scss Necessary these commands.
# TypeScript (use gem, npm, or other...)
# CoffeeScript
# Go
# if use notepad++, use this command on NppExec
# cmd /c "ruby npp_myfile_compiler.rb $(FULL_CURRENT_PATH)"
require "win32console"
file_path = ARGV[0]
current_dir = File.dirname(file_path)
file_ext = File.extname(file_path)
file_name = File.basename(file_path, "#{file_ext}")
file_path_noext = File.absolute_path(file_name, current_dir)
puts "\e[32m[#{file_ext}] start\e[0m"
puts "\tpath dir : #{current_dir}"
puts "\t file : #{file_name}"
puts "\t ext : #{file_ext}"
print "\tResult : "
puts case file_ext
# command exec
when ".haml"
`haml -E UTF-8 -f html5 "#{file_path}" "#{file_path_noext}.html"`
when ".scss"
`sass --style compressed --scss "#{file_path}" --cache-location "C:\Users/%USERNAME%/.sass-cache" "#{file_path_noext}.css"`
when ".sass"
`sass --style compressed "#{file_path}" --cache-location "C:\Users/%USERNAME%/.sass-cache" "#{file_path_noext}.css"`
when ".ts"
`tsc --declaration --out "#{file_path_noext}.js" "#{file_path}"`
when ".coffee"
`coffee -c "#{file_path}"`
when ".go"
`go run "#{file_path}"`
puts "\e[32m[#{file_ext}] end\e[0m"
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