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Last active January 2, 2023 23:42
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Save stesie/c9143b98355295420470 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
$v8 = new V8Js();
require_once __DIR__.'/V8JsNodeModuleLoader.php';
require_once __DIR__.'/V8JsNodeModuleLoader_NativeFileAccess.php';
$fai = new V8JsNodeModuleLoader_NativeFileAccess();
$loader = new V8JsNodeModuleLoader($fai);
$loader->addOverride('fs', 'Hacks/fs');
$loader->addOverride('vm', 'Hacks/vm');
$loader->addOverride('path', 'Hacks/path');
$v8->setModuleNormaliser([ $loader, 'normaliseIdentifier' ]);
$v8->setModuleLoader([ $loader, 'loadModule' ]);
try {
// get handle on coffee-script's compile function
$coffeeCompile = $v8->executeString('(require("coffee-script").compile)');
// simple var_dump with comprehension over a range
$v8->executeString($coffeeCompile('var_dump(x) for x in [1..5];'));
// get handle on a coffee-script function
// (we set bare=true here, so it's not safety wrapped; otherwise
// we would have to add a return statement)
$greeter = $v8->executeString($coffeeCompile(
'(name = "Welt") -> var_dump "Hallo #{name}"',
[ 'bare' => true ]));
// call coffee-script function twice
catch (V8JsScriptException $e) {
require_once __DIR__.'/V8JsNodeModuleLoader_FileAccessInterface.php';
require_once __DIR__.'/V8JsNodeModuleLoader_NormalisePath.php';
* Simple Node.js module loader for use with V8Js PHP extension
* This class understands Node.js' node_modules/ directory structure
* and can require modules/files from there.
* @copyright 2015,2018 Stefan Siegl <>
* @author Stefan Siegl <>
* @package V8JsNodeModuleLoader
class V8JsNodeModuleLoader
use V8JsNodeModuleLoader_NormalisePath;
* @var V8JsNodeModuleLoader_FileAccessInterface
private $fai;
* Collection of override rules
* "from" identifiers are stored as keys to the array, associated
* replacements are the array's values.
* @var string[]
private $overrides = array();
* Create V8JsNodeModuleLoader instance
* The class needs to query the filesystem (or any replacement) to query
* for existing files and loading their data. The interface is a simple
* abstraction of that access; if you'd like to just pick any content
* from the node_modules/ folder, simply pass an instance of
* V8JsNodeModuleLoader_NativeFileAccess.
* @param V8JsNodeModuleLoader_FileAccessInterface $fai
* @access public
function __construct(V8JsNodeModuleLoader_FileAccessInterface $fai) {
$this->fai = $fai;
* Normalisation handler, to be passed to V8Js
* @param string $base
* @param string $module_name
* @access public
* @return string[]
function normaliseIdentifier($base, $module_name) {
if(isset($this->overrides[$module_name])) {
$normalisedParts = $this->normalisePath(
explode('/', $this->overrides[$module_name]));
$moduleName = array_pop($normalisedParts);
$normalisedPath = implode('/', $normalisedParts);
return array($normalisedPath, $moduleName);
$baseParts = explode('/', $base);
$parts = explode('/', $module_name);
if($parts[0] == '.' or $parts[0] == '..') {
// relative path, prepend base path
$parts = array_merge($baseParts, $parts);
return $this->handleRelativeLoad($parts);
else {
return $this->handleModuleLoad($baseParts, $parts);
* Module loader, to be passed to V8Js
* @param string $moduleName
* @access public
* @return string|object
function loadModule($moduleName) {
$filePath = null;
foreach (array('', '.js', '.json') as $extension) {
if ($this->fai->file_exists($moduleName.$extension)) {
$filePath = $moduleName.$extension;
if ($filePath === null) {
throw new \Exception('File not found: '.$sourcePath);
$content = $this->fai->file_get_contents($filePath);
if (substr($filePath, -5) === '.json') {
$content = \json_decode($content);
return $content;
* Add a loader override rule
* This can be used to load a V8Js-specific module instead of one
* shipped with e.g. a npm package.
* @param mixed $from
* @param mixed $to
* @access public
function addOverride($from, $to) {
$this->overrides[$from] = $to;
private function handleRelativeLoad(array $parts) {
$normalisedParts = $this->normalisePath($parts);
$normalisedId = implode('/', $normalisedParts);
if(isset($this->overrides[$normalisedId])) {
$normalisedParts = $this->normalisePath(
explode('/', $this->overrides[$normalisedId]));
$moduleName = array_pop($normalisedParts);
$normalisedPath = implode('/', $normalisedParts);
return array($normalisedPath, $moduleName);
$sourcePath = implode('/', $normalisedParts);
if($this->fai->file_exists($sourcePath) ||
$this->fai->file_exists($sourcePath.'.js') ||
$this->fai->file_exists($sourcePath.'.json')) {
$moduleName = array_pop($normalisedParts);
$normalisedPath = implode('/', $normalisedParts);
return array($normalisedPath, $moduleName);
throw new \Exception('File not found: '.$sourcePath);
private function handleModuleLoad(array $baseParts, array $parts) {
$moduleName = array_shift($parts);
$baseModules = array_keys($baseParts, 'node_modules');
if(empty($baseModules)) {
$moduleParts = array();
else {
$moduleParts = array_slice($baseParts, 0, end($baseModules) + 2);
$moduleParts[] = 'node_modules';
$moduleParts[] = $moduleName;
$moduleDir = implode('/', $moduleParts);
if(!$this->fai->file_exists($moduleDir)) {
throw new \Exception('Module not found: ' . $moduleName);
$moduleDir .= '/';
if(empty($parts)) {
$packageJsonPath = $moduleDir.'package.json';
if(!$this->fai->file_exists($packageJsonPath)) {
throw new \Exception('File not exists: '.$packageJsonPath);
$packageJson = json_decode($this->fai->file_get_contents($packageJsonPath));
if(!isset($packageJson->main)) {
throw new \Exception('package.json does not declare main');
$normalisedParts = $this->normalisePath(
array_merge($moduleParts, explode('/', $packageJson->main)));
else {
$normalisedParts = $this->normalisePath(
array_merge($moduleParts, $parts));
$moduleName = array_pop($normalisedParts);
$normalisedPath = implode('/', $normalisedParts);
if(substr($moduleName, -3) == '.js') {
$moduleName = substr($moduleName, 0, -3);
return array($normalisedPath, $moduleName);
interface V8JsNodeModuleLoader_FileAccessInterface
public function file_get_contents($filePath);
public function file_exists($filePath);
require_once __DIR__.'/V8JsNodeModuleLoader_FileAccessInterface.php';
class V8JsNodeModuleLoader_NativeFileAccess
implements V8JsNodeModuleLoader_FileAccessInterface
public function file_get_contents($filePath)
return file_get_contents($filePath);
public function file_exists($filePath)
return file_exists($filePath);
trait V8JsNodeModuleLoader_NormalisePath {
function normalisePath(array $parts) {
$normalisedParts = array();
array_walk($parts, function($part) use(&$normalisedParts) {
switch($part) {
case '..':
if(!empty($normalisedParts)) {
case '.':
array_push($normalisedParts, $part);
return $normalisedParts;
require_once __DIR__.'/V8JsNodeModuleLoader.php';
require_once __DIR__.'/V8JsNodeModuleLoader_NormalisePath.php';
class V8JsNodeModuleLoaderTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
use V8JsNodeModuleLoader_NormalisePath;
* @dataProvider normalisePathProvider
public function testNormalisePath($in, $out)
$mockFai = $this
$loader = new V8JsNodeModuleLoader($mockFai);
$result = $loader->normalisePath($in);
$this->assertEquals($out, $result);
public function normalisePathProvider()
return array(
array('foo', 'bar'),
array('foo', 'bar')),
array('.', 'foo'),
array('foo', '.', 'bar'),
array('foo', 'bar')),
array('..', 'foo'),
array('foo', '..', 'bar'),
public function testNormaliseIdentifierFindsRelativeFiles()
$mockFai = $this
->setMethods(array('file_exists', 'file_get_contents'))
->willReturnCallback(function ($path) { return $path === 'node_modules/blar/foo.js'; });
$loader = new V8JsNodeModuleLoader($mockFai);
$result = $loader->normaliseIdentifier('node_modules/blar', './foo');
$this->assertEquals(array('node_modules/blar', 'foo'), $result);
* @expectedException Exception
public function testNormaliseIdentifierThrowsRelativeFileMissing()
$mockFai = $this
->setMethods(array('file_exists', 'file_get_contents'))
$loader = new V8JsNodeModuleLoader($mockFai);
$result = $loader->normaliseIdentifier('node_modules/blar', './foo');
$this->assertEquals(array('node_modules/blar', 'foo'), $result);
public function testNormaliseIdentifierChecksPackageJson()
$mockFai = $this
->setMethods(array('file_exists', 'file_get_contents'))
->willReturn(json_encode(array('main' => 'lib/foo')));
$loader = new V8JsNodeModuleLoader($mockFai);
$result = $loader->normaliseIdentifier('', 'blar');
$this->assertEquals(array('node_modules/blar/lib', 'foo'), $result);
public function testNormaliseIdentifierLoadsRelativeToModule()
$mockFai = $this
->setMethods(array('file_exists', 'file_get_contents'))
$loader = new V8JsNodeModuleLoader($mockFai);
$result = $loader->normaliseIdentifier('', 'blar/path/to/file');
$this->assertEquals(array('node_modules/blar/path/to', 'file'), $result);
public function testNormaliseIdentifierModuleInModule()
$mockFai = $this
->setMethods(array('file_exists', 'file_get_contents'))
->willReturn(json_encode(array('main' => 'lib/foo.js')));
$loader = new V8JsNodeModuleLoader($mockFai);
$result = $loader->normaliseIdentifier('node_modules/noflo/lib', 'underscore');
$this->assertEquals(array('node_modules/noflo/node_modules/underscore/lib', 'foo'), $result);
public function testNormaliseIdentifierUsesOverrides()
$mockFai = $this
->setMethods(array('file_exists', 'file_get_contents'))
$loader = new V8JsNodeModuleLoader($mockFai);
$loader->addOverride('events', 'EventEmitter');
$result = $loader->normaliseIdentifier('', 'events');
$this->assertEquals(array('', 'EventEmitter'), $result);
public function testNormaliseIdentifierUsesOverridesInRelativeLoad()
$mockFai = $this
->setMethods(array('file_exists', 'file_get_contents'))
$loader = new V8JsNodeModuleLoader($mockFai);
$loader->addOverride('node_modules/noflo/lib/Platform', 'Hacks/Platform');
$result = $loader->normaliseIdentifier('node_modules/noflo/lib', './Platform');
$this->assertEquals(array('Hacks', 'Platform'), $result);
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Thanks for posting these @stesie, I'm using them with the latest v8js and they still work!
I'm wondering if you could publish the Hacks/ packages you use to override core Node packages in example.php - I'm having a really hard time getting drop-in replacements for core Node stuff working in v8js, and if you've already worked through these problems I would love to see your work. Thanks again!

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stesie commented Jan 5, 2018

@mortenson sorry for not noticing your comment earlier (seems like I either didn't get notified or just missed it)

The Hacks/ files actually were just empty, didn't need concrete implementations so far.

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stesie commented Jan 6, 2018

Gist updated to allow require of JSON files (like package.json), depends on native module pull request.

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