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Created June 29, 2020 21:27
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#include <stdio.h>
#include <Python.h>
#define IN_BUF_SIZE 16384
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
char script[IN_BUF_SIZE + 1];
const wchar_t *prefix = L"/python";
const wchar_t *syspath = L"/python/lib/";
PyConfig config;
config.base_exec_prefix = prefix;
config.base_prefix = prefix;
config.exec_prefix = prefix;
config.prefix = prefix;
config.pythonpath_env = syspath;
PyRun_SimpleString("file = open");
PyRun_SimpleString("from sys import *");
PyRun_SimpleString("from bisect import *");
PyRun_SimpleString("from struct import *");
PyRun_SimpleString("from pathlib import *");
PyRun_SimpleString("from dataclasses import *");
PyRun_SimpleString("from mmap import *");
PyRun_SimpleString("from os import *");
PyRun_SimpleString("from struct import *");
PyRun_SimpleString("from contextlib import *");
PyRun_SimpleString("from itertools import *");
PyRun_SimpleString("from traceback import *");
PyRun_SimpleString("from gc import *");
PyRun_SimpleString("from abc import *");
PyRun_SimpleString("from string import *");
PyRun_SimpleString("from array import *");
PyRun_SimpleString("from asyncio import *");
PyRun_SimpleString("del abort");
size_t n_read = read(STDIN_FILENO, script, IN_BUF_SIZE);
script[n_read] = 0;
return 0;
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