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Last active August 29, 2015 14:23
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Practical Exercise 1 Audio and Video Coding (AVC)
% 2. Vertical Grey-Scale
gradient = linspace(0.0, 199, 256);
matrix = repmat(gradient, [200 1]);
I8 = uint8(matrix);
I6 = uint8(matrix/8);
I4 = uint8(matrix/16);
I2 = uint8(matrix/32);
img = horzcat(mat2gray(I8), mat2gray(I6), mat2gray(I4), mat2gray(I2));
f = figure(1);
h = imshow(img);
title('Task 2: Vertical Grey-Scale in 8,6,4 and 2 Bit coding')
saveas(f, '2-grayscale-coding', 'jpg');
% 3. Vertical Color-Bars
% a) displaying colorspace
rgbmap = cat(3, [1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0], [1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0], [1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0]);
f = figure(2);
title('Task 3: a) displaying colorspace')
saveas(f, '3a-colorspace', 'jpg');
% b) converting to YCrCb and plotting colors
ycbcrmap = rgb2ycbcr(rgbmap);
f = figure(3);
plot(1:8, ycbcrmap(:,:,1), 'y', 1:8, ycbcrmap(:,:,2), 'b', 1:8, ycbcrmap(:,:,3), 'r');
title('Task 3: b) converting to YCrCb and plotting colors');
saveas(f, '3b-YCrCb-plot', 'jpg');
% c) drop Cb information and plot rgb result
ycrmap = ycbcrmap;
ycrmap(:,:,2) = 0;
rgbmap2 = ycbcr2rgb(ycrmap);
f = figure(4);
title('Task 3: c) drop Cb information and plot rgb result');
saveas(f, '3c-drop-cb-info', 'jpg');
% d) drop Cr information and plot rgb result
ycbmap = ycbcrmap;
ycbmap(:,:,3) = 0;
rgbmap3 = ycbcr2rgb(ycbmap);
f = figure(5);
title('Task 3: d) drop Cr information and plot rgb result');
saveas(f, '3d-drop-cr-info', 'jpg');
% e) lower the Cr Cb intesity and plot rgb result
ycbcrmap05 = ycbcrmap;
ycbcrmap05(:,:,2) = ycbcrmap05(:,:,2) * 0.5;
ycbcrmap05(:,:,3) = ycbcrmap05(:,:,3) * 0.5;
rgbmap3 = ycbcr2rgb(ycbcrmap05);
f = figure(6);
title('Task 3: e) lower the Cr Cb intesity and plot rgb result');
saveas(f, '3e-c-intensity', 'jpg');
f = figure(7);
plot(1:8, ycbcrmap05(:,:,1), 'y', 1:8, ycbcrmap05(:,:,2), 'b', 1:8, ycbcrmap05(:,:,3), 'r');
title('Task 3: e) plotting the lower YCbCr ');
saveas(f, '3e-YCrCb-plot', 'jpg');
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