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Created March 6, 2022 23:48
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Bacon.js fetch wrapper with AbortController support
import {fromBinder} from 'baconjs'
* Create a Bacon.js EventStream that fetches a resource specified by the fetch
* parameters.
* If the EventStream loses all subscriptions while the underlying request is pending,
* the request will be aborted using <code>AbortController</code>. NOTE: If
* <code>init.signal</code> is provided, it will be ignored in favour of an internally
* provided signal.
function fetchBacon(input, init): EventStream {
return fromBinder(sink => {
const controller = new AbortController()
fetch(url, {...init, signal: controller.signal})
.then(res => sink(res.ok ? res : new Bacon.Error(res)))
.catch(error => sink(new Bacon.Error(error)))
.finally(() => sink(new Bacon.End()))
return () => controller.abort()
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