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Created August 18, 2018 14:32
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# -'- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys
import json
from collections import OrderedDict
from random import choice
def check_land_price(map, x, y, direction):
point = 0
way = ['U', 'D', 'R', 'L']
if x + 1 < 8 and 'R' in way:
if map[y][x + 1] == '*':
point = point + 10
if x - 1 > -1 and 'L' in way:
if map[y][x - 1] == '*':
point = point + 10
if y + 1 < 8 and 'D' in way:
if map[y + 1][x] == '*':
point = point + 10
if y - 1 > -1 and 'U' in way:
if map[y - 1][x] == '*':
point = point + 10
return point
def main():
data = json.loads(sys.argv[1])
map = []
map_string = data['map']
player = data['me']
weigh = {'U': 0, 'D': 0, 'L': 0, 'R': 0}
ground = ['1', '*']
for i in range(8):
for i in range(8):
for j in range(8):
if player == map[j][i]:
current_x = i
current_y = j
if current_x + 1 < 8:
weigh['R'] = weigh['R'] + 1
if map[current_y][current_x + 1] == '*':
weigh['R'] = weigh['R'] + check_land_price(map, current_x + 1, current_y, 'L')
if current_x - 1 > -1:
weigh['L'] = weigh['L'] + 1
if map[current_y][current_x - 1] == '*':
weigh['L'] = weigh['L'] + check_land_price(map, current_x - 1, current_y, 'R')
if current_y + 1 < 8:
weigh['D'] = weigh['D'] + 1
if map[current_y + 1][current_x] == '*':
weigh['D'] = weigh['D'] + check_land_price(map, current_x, current_y + 1, 'U')
if current_y - 1 > -1:
weigh['U'] = weigh['U'] + 1
if map[current_y - 1][current_x] == '*':
weigh['U'] = weigh['U'] + check_land_price(map, current_x, current_y - 1, 'D')
possible = []
scores = sorted(weigh.values())
best_score = scores[-1]
if weigh['R'] == best_score:
if weigh['L'] == best_score:
if weigh['U'] == best_score:
if weigh['D'] == best_score:
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