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Last active April 27, 2023 15:53
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⍝ Helper functions for the problem
⍝ here:
⍝ NB: This set of functions does NOT solve the problem.
⍝ For that, you need a training function, and real inputs
⍝ that you can check the results against.
⍝ Generate a random weightset
weightset ← {×0.5-2|?10 15 51⍴2}
⍝ Generate some random inputs
inputs ← {×0.5-2|?⍵ 51⍴2}
⍝ The network itself
guess ← { ⊣/ ⍒⍤1⍉ +⌿ ÷∘|⍨ +⌿ ⍺ ∘.×⍤2 1⍥⍉ ⍵⍴⍨1⌈¯2↑⍴⍵ }
⍝ Usage
(weightset⍬) guess inputs ?10
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