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Created August 6, 2015 23:33
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Class to do streaming count, mean, standard deviation allows replacements of particular values from the data population
* Class that allows for streaming collection of count, mean, stddev
* Allows combining multiple independent instances
* Allows _replacement_ of values in the stream (i.e. if one of the values of your data population changes
* you can replace it). Replacing values introduces some tiny error, but in testing that error is < 1e-9 even
* in extreme conditions.
public class StreamStats {
private long count = 0;
private double m = 0;
private double s = 0;
public StreamStats() {
public StreamStats(long count, double mean, double varianceDeltaSum) {
this.count = count;
this.m = mean;
this.s = varianceDeltaSum;
public void add(double value) {
if (count == 0) {
m = value;
count = 1;
count += 1;
double prevM = m;
double delta = value - prevM;
m = prevM + (delta / ((double)count));
s += (delta * (value - m));
public void replace(double oldValue, double newValue) {
if (count == 0) {
// precisely update the mean
double prevM = m;
double sum = m * count;
sum -= oldValue;
sum += newValue;
m = sum / count;
s -= ((oldValue - prevM) * (oldValue - m));
s += ((newValue - prevM) * (newValue - m));
public long count() {
return count;
public double mean() {
return m;
public double stdDev() {
return Math.sqrt(variance());
public double variance() {
return s / (count - 1);
public double varianceDeltaSum() {
return s;
public void mergeFrom(StreamStats that) {
// from
long both = this.count + that.count;
double newMean = (this.count * this.m + that.count * that.m) / both;
double delta = this.m - that.m;
double delta2 = delta * delta;
double varianceDeltaSum = this.s + that.s + (delta2 * this.count * that.count) / both;
this.count = both;
this.m = newMean;
this.s = varianceDeltaSum;
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ccollie commented Mar 20, 2020

Is there a way to do a subtraction (opposite of mergeFrom) ?

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