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Last active May 28, 2023 06:37
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League Table PHP Challenge
class LeagueTable
public function __construct(array $players)
$this->standings = [];
foreach($players as $index => $p) {
$this->standings[$p] = [
'index' => $index,
'games_played' => 0,
'score' => 0
public function recordResult(string $player, int $score) : void
$this->standings[$player]['score'] += $score;
public function playerRank(int $rank) : string
$rankings = $this->standings;
// Uasort allows us to move elements up or down the array in
// comparison to their subsequent elements and maintain
// their string keys, which are the player names.
uasort($rankings, function ($a, $b) {
// Scores are unequal, use score to order.
// $b will be moved up in the array.
if ($a['score'] < $b['score']) {
return 1;
// $b will be moved down the array.
if ($a['score'] > $b['score']) {
return -1;
// Scores are equal. Use games played to order.
// $b will be moved up the array.
if ($a['games_played'] > $b['games_played']) {
return 1;
// $b will be moved down the array.
if ($a['games_played'] < $b['games_played']) {
return -1;
// Score and Games played are equal. Use index to order.
// Move $b up the array if $a has a greater index.
// Otherwise move $b down.
return $a['index'] > $b['index'] ? 1 : -1;
// Since the rankings are now in order, we can get
// the names of the players in their ranked order
// -- which will be the array entry's index.
$ranks = array_keys($rankings);
// Ranks start at '1', so we'll subtract 1 before retrieving
// the player rank from the ordered, indexed names.
return $ranks[--$rank];
$table = new LeagueTable(array('Mike', 'Chris', 'Arnold'));
$table->recordResult('Mike', 2);
$table->recordResult('Mike', 3);
$table->recordResult('Arnold', 5);
$table->recordResult('Chris', 5);
// Displays "Chris".
echo $table->playerRank(1);
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