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Created March 21, 2024 20:37
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Acceptance Criteria for Robot Battledome API

Feature: Robot Battledome API Integration

Scenario: User enters a new robot into the system

  • Given the user is on the "New Robot" page
  • When the user fills in the robot details including:
    Name Weight Date Constructed Color Body Type Abilities
    Robot1 500 2024-03-21 Red Slicer Laser Cutter (10), Heat Ray (8), Shield Generator (5)
  • And the user submits the form
  • Then the robot should be successfully added to the system
  • And the user should be redirected to the "Robot Details" page for the newly added robot
  • And the details of the robot should match the entered information

Scenario: User views a list of existing robots

  • Given the user is on the "Robots" page
  • When the page loads
  • Then the user should see a list of existing robots
  • And each robot in the list should display its:
    • Name
    • Weight
    • Date Constructed
    • Color
    • Body Type
    • Abilities (if any)

Scenario: User edits an existing robot's details

  • Given the user is on the "Robot Details" page for a specific robot
  • When the user clicks on the "Edit" button
  • Then the user should be redirected to the "Edit Robot" page
  • And the form should be pre-filled with the existing robot details
  • When the user updates the robot's details
  • And submits the form
  • Then the changes should be saved successfully
  • And the user should be redirected back to the "Robot Details" page for the edited robot
  • And the details of the robot should match the updated information

Scenario: User deletes an existing robot

  • Given the user is on the "Robot Details" page for a specific robot
  • When the user clicks on the "Delete" button
  • Then a confirmation modal should appear
  • When the user confirms the deletion
  • Then the robot should be successfully removed from the system
  • And the user should be redirected to the "Robots" page
  • And the deleted robot should no longer appear in the list of robots

Scenario: User views details of a specific robot

  • Given the user is on the "Robots" page
  • When the user clicks on a specific robot from the list
  • Then the user should be redirected to the "Robot Details" page for that robot
  • And all the details of the robot should be displayed, including:
    • Name
    • Weight
    • Date Constructed
    • Color
    • Body Type
    • Abilities (if any)
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List of possible abilities

  1. Teleportation Module: Allows the robot to instantly teleport to a different location on the battlefield.
  2. Gravity Manipulator: Grants the ability to control gravity, enabling the robot to create gravitational fields to manipulate objects or enemies.
  3. Time Distortion Field: Creates a localized time distortion field, slowing down time within its radius, giving the robot enhanced speed and reaction times.
  4. Invisibility Cloak: Activates a cloaking device, rendering the robot invisible to the naked eye and most sensors.
  5. Sonic Blast Cannon: Unleashes a powerful sonic blast that can disorient opponents and shatter obstacles.
  6. Mimicry Protocol: Allows the robot to mimic the appearance and abilities of other robots temporarily.
  7. Nanobot Swarm: Releases a swarm of nanobots that can repair the robot, attack enemies, or create defensive barriers.
  8. Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Burst: Emits a burst of electromagnetic energy, disabling electronic devices and temporarily disrupting enemy robots.
  9. Holographic Decoy Generator: Projects realistic holographic decoys to confuse and distract enemies.
  10. Self-Destruct Protocol: Triggers a controlled self-destruct sequence, causing massive damage to nearby enemies or creating a powerful explosion as a last resort defense mechanism.

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List of body types

  • Slicer: This body type is designed for quick and agile movements, equipped with sharp slicing edges or blades to swiftly cut through opponents or obstacles.
  • Crusher: The Crusher body type focuses on sheer strength and crushing power, featuring heavy-duty hydraulic mechanisms or powerful jaws to crush opponents or objects with brute force.
  • Bulldozer: Designed for resilience and durability, the Bulldozer body type is equipped with reinforced armor and sturdy construction, allowing it to withstand heavy impacts and push through obstacles with ease.

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