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Last active February 13, 2016 17:32
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Some notes on Javascript
//variables declared in global scope become properties of the window in browser environments
var a = 123;
console.log('a', window.a);
// functions introduce scope. A variable declared inside a function is not visible outside
function f() {
var b = 456;
console.log('b', b);
// inside the function we can still see the global a. We don't need "window." - it's implied
console.log('a', a);
// But outside function f we can't see "b"
//console.log(b); here will produce an error
// Javascript functions have access to two special variables - "this" and "arguments"
// "this" depends on the function execution context - how the function is called
// Contrast with ruby where "self" depends on where the function (method) is written
// "arguments" is the array of arguments passed to the function, which may be empty
function g() {
console.log('this', this);
console.log('arguments', arguments);
// We can also call .call() on any expression that represents a function.
// Calling g(); is equivalent to;
// Using .call() allows us to explicitly specify "this" for the call; // calls g with its "this" explicitly set to the current document
//After the argument to set "this," call accepts a list of arguments, 1,2,3); // will log the document then [1, 2, 3]
// .apply is the same as .call, except that we pass the arguments in an array rather than a list
g.apply(document, [1,2,3]); // is equivalent to, 1,2,3); - use whichever is more convenient
// We can use call and apply without using an explicit this by passing null as the first argument.
// Null here effectively means "use the default this for the current context", 1,2,3); // will log window then 1,2,3
// bind gives us a copy of a function, optionally with "this" and/or one or more of its arguments pre-defined.
// For example
boundG = g.bind(null, 1);
boundG(); // boundG() will log window as the value of this and [1] as the value of arguments
secondBoundG = g.bind(document, 1, 2);
secondBoundG(66); // this call will see document for "this" and [1, 2, 66] as its arguments
// The behavior of "this" can be unexpected if we are used to a language called ruby.
// For example
var obj = {
handler: function() {
console.log('this', this);
obj.handler(); // logs "obj" as this - much as we might expect
// BUT
var hCopy = obj.handler;
hCopy(); // logs "window" not "obj"
// The fact that "this" in handler was === obj in the first example is ONLY because we called it using obj.handler();
// This often bites us in event handlers. We might have
document.addEventListener('click', obj.handler );
// We might expect that clicking the document will log "obj" for this but it doesn't - it logs "document"
// The browser has called our event handing function with "this" set to document.
// Contrast
document.addEventListener('click', function() {
console.log('this in click handler', this);
obj.handler(); // will log obj as as this
// The second example does what we might have expected - because we explicity call our
// function with obj.handler() it is called with "this" set to obj. The browser calls the
// containing anyonymous function with "this" set to document.
// Another (usually more useful) way to achieve the same effect is to use bind
document.addEventListener('click', obj.handler.bind(obj));
// This will call a copy of handler with "this" set to obj when a click happens.
// We are passing a bound function to the addEventListener function
// You may have noticed by now that functions in JS behave a lot like data. We
// can pass functions as arguments to other functions and assign them to variables.
//This might look weird but it works
function leave() {
function eat() {
console.log('Yum Yum you cook well.');
function showUp() {
console.log("I'm here");
var fnArray = [showUp, eat, leave];
for (var i=0; i < fnArray.length; i++) {
var fn = fnArray[i];
// would also work here of course
// as would (fnArray[i]).call() or (fnArray[i])();
// As well as accepting functions as arguments, functions can return other functions
// as their return value. That's what "bind" was doing above.
// Another example of using bind to make a new function
function multiply(a, b) {
return a * b;
var triple = multiply.bind(null, 3);
console.log('triple 5 is ', triple(5));
// The function triple is returned by the call to bind.
// The function triple calls multiply with the first argument set to 3.
// I could write my own function that return other functions, e.g.
var makeMultiplier = function(x) {
return function(y) {
return x * y;
var quadrupler = makeMultiplier(4);
console.log('quadruple 5 is', quadrupler(5));
// here makeMultiplier is a function that returns another function.
// The returned function returns the product of its argument (y) and the
// argument that was given to makeMultiplier (x) to produce the function quadrupler itself.
// We say the inner function "closes over" the value of x. This construct is known as a closure.
// To use the MDN definition: Closures are functions that refer to independent (free) variables.
// In other words, the function defined in the closure 'remembers' the environment in which it was created.
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