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Created March 17, 2017 03:03
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Get audio data for hVd words for a group of speakers from the Austalk collection in the Alveo VL
"""Get data from Austalk in Alveo,
finding speakers via metadata queries,
finding speaker metadata,
finding items for a speaker
downloading audio files from an item"""
import pyalveo
import os
from fnmatch import fnmatch
PREFIX dc:<>
PREFIX austalk:<>
PREFIX olac:<>
PREFIX ausnc:<>
PREFIX foaf:<>
PREFIX dbpedia:<>
PREFIX rdf:<>
PREFIX rdfs:<>
PREFIX geo:<>
PREFIX iso639schema:<>
PREFIX austalkid:<>
PREFIX iso639:<>
PREFIX xsd: <>
PREFIX is: <>
PREFIX iso: <>
PREFIX dada: <>"""
def find_speakers(client):
"""Find speakers in Austalk and return
a dictionary with one key per speaker
and each key containing a dictionary of
metadata values for that speaker"""
query = PREFIXES + """
select ?spkr ?id ?town ?country {
?spkr a foaf:Person .
?spkr austalk:id ?id .
?spkr austalk:pob_town ?town .
?spkr austalk:pob_country ?country .
limit 10
result = client.sparql_query('austalk', query)
speakers = {}
for b in result['results']['bindings']:
speakers[b['spkr']['value']] = {'id': b['id']['value'],
'town': b['town']['value'],
'country': b['country']['value']
return speakers
def find_words(client, speakerid, words):
"""Find words in the Austalk corpus for a given speaker
return an ItemGroup object containing the items
query = PREFIXES + """
SELECT distinct ?item ?prompt ?compname
?item a ausnc:AusNCObject .
?item olac:speaker <%s> .
?item austalk:prompt ?prompt .
?item austalk:componentName ?compname .
""" % speakerid
filterclause = 'FILTER regex(?prompt, "^'
filterclause += '$|^'.join(words)
filterclause += '$", "i")\n'
query += filterclause + "}"
result = client.sparql_query('austalk', query)
items = []
for b in result['results']['bindings']:
itemurl = b['item']['value']
# HACK: current database has the wrong URL for items - this will be fixed soon so this will be
# redundant
itemurl = itemurl.replace('', '')
return pyalveo.ItemGroup(items, client)
def download_documents(item_list, patterns, output_path):
Downloads a list of documents to the directory specificed by output_path.
:type documents: list of pyalveo.Document
:param documents: Documents to download
:type output_path: String
:param output_path: directory to download to the documents to
if not os.path.exists(output_path):
downloaded = []
items = item_list.get_all()
filtered_documents = []
for item in items:
documents = item.get_documents()
for doc in documents:
for pattern in patterns:
if not pattern == '' and fnmatch(doc.get_filename(), pattern):
fname = doc.get_filename()
doc.download_content(dir_path=output_path, filename=fname)
print "Got ", fname
# maybe it doesn't exist or we have no access
# TODO: report this
return downloaded
if __name__=='__main__':
client = pyalveo.Client()
speakers = find_speakers(client)
hVdWords = {
'monopthongs': ['head', 'had', 'hud', 'heed', 'hid', 'hood', 'hod', 'whod', 'herd', 'haired', 'hard', 'horde'],
'dipthongs': ['howd', 'hoyd', 'hide', 'hode', 'hade', 'heared']
for speaker in speakers:
print speaker, speakers[speaker]
items = find_words(client, speaker, hVdWords['dipthongs'])
for item in items:
print "\t", item
# download to a speaker specific directory
outdir = os.path.join('out', speakers[speaker]['id'])
download_documents(items, ["*speaker16.wav"], outdir)
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