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Created March 10, 2018 22:54
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Finite automata and (deterministic) Turing machine running/drawing.
[2018/03/09 v0.3 Construct finite automata and Turing machines]
% Define \emptystring to \varepsilon
% Draw state as a cat.
cat state/.style={append after command={%
(\tikzlastnode)edge[gray,rounded corners=6pt,-,shorten >=0pt,shorten <=0pt,to path={%
($(\,.05)$) .. controls +(-.2,.1) and +(.3,.1) .. ($(\,.15)$)
($(\,0)$) .. controls +(-.2,.1) and +(.3,.1) .. ($(\,0)$)
($(\,-.05)$) .. controls +(-.2,.1) and +(.3,.1) .. ($(\,-.2)$)
($(\,.05)$) .. controls +(.2,.1) and +(-.3,.1) .. ($(\,.15)$)
($(\,0)$) .. controls +(.2,.1) and +(-.3,.1) .. ($(\,0)$)
($(\,-.05)$) .. controls +(.2,.1) and +(-.3,.1) .. ($(\,-.2)$)
% Draw state as a bunny.
bunny state/.style={append after command={%
(\tikzlastnode)edge[gray,-,shorten >=0pt,shorten <=0pt,to path={%
($(\,.05)$) .. controls +(-.2,.1) and +(.3,.1) .. ($(\,.15)$)
($(\,0)$) .. controls +(-.2,.1) and +(.3,.1) .. ($(\,0)$)
($(\,-.05)$) .. controls +(-.2,.1) and +(.3,.1) .. ($(\,-.2)$)
($(\,.05)$) .. controls +(.2,.1) and +(-.3,.1) .. ($(\,.15)$)
($(\,0)$) .. controls +(.2,.1) and +(-.3,.1) .. ($(\,0)$)
($(\,-.05)$) .. controls +(.2,.1) and +(-.3,.1) .. ($(\,-.2)$)
% Draw states as black circles filled with gray.
every state/.style={minimum size=1cm, inner sep=1pt, fill=black!10},
% Draw accepting states with an inner circle
accepting/.style={path picture={
\draw let \p1 = (path picture bounding box.north east),
\p2 = (path picture bounding
(\p2)circle[x radius=\x1-\x2-2pt,y radius=\y1-\y2-2pt];
% No text on initial arrows.
every initial by arrow/.style={initial text=},
% Set the default bend angle, arrow style, and label style
every edge/.style={
bend angle=15,
inner sep=2pt,
shorten >=1pt,
node font=\ttfamily
% Highlight nodes on given slides
% Mark the given input symbol
% Gray out the previous symbols (XXX: probably should be combined with
% markinput)
% Make the states small
small states/.style={
every state/.append style={minimum size=.5cm, inner sep=0}
node distance=1cm and 1.5cm,%
transition/.style n args={3}{%
edge label={$##1,##2\to##3$}%
replace/.style 2 args={transition={\emptystring}{##1}{##2}},%
push on/.style 2 args={transition={##1}{\emptystring}{##2}},%
pop on/.style 2 args={transition={##1}{##2}{\emptystring}}%
node distance=1cm and 1.5cm,%
minimum tape cells/.store in=\fa@tapecells,
% \newdfa{name}{states}{transitions}
% States are a comma-separated list of states with the following format.
% name/displayname/options
% The name is used in the transitions. The displayname is shown in the diagram
% and the options are TikZ options to the state node (see TikZ's automata
% library). In particular, initial denotes the initial state and accepting
% denotes the accepting states. Multiple options can be given as a
% brace-delimited, comma-separated list. E.g., q0/q_0/{initial,accepting}.
% Transitions are a comma-separated list of transitions with the following
% format.
% x/a/y/edgeoptions/labeloptions
% Here, x and y are states and a is an input symbol such that y = delta(x, a).
% The edgeoptions apply to the TikZ edge operation and labeloptions apply to
% the label node. In both cases, multiple options can be given as a
% brace-delimited, comma-separated list.
% The input symbol can be a brace-delimited, comma-separated list of input
% symbols. E.g., q0/{a,b}/q1/loop above/.
\foreach \s/\n/\o in {#2}{%
\foreach \x in \o {%
% \dfarunfrom{dfa}{state}{input}
% Input is stored in \dfainput.
% Output state is stored in \dfastate.
% The state sequence is stored in \dfastates as a comma-separated list.
\foreach \i in \dfainput {%
\foreach \s/\as/\r/\x/\y in \dfa@trans {%
\foreach \a in \as {%
% \dfarun{dfa}{input}
% Input is stored in \dfainput.
% Output state is stored in \dfastate.
% The state sequence is stored in \dfastates as a comma-separated list.
% \newnfa{name}{states}{transitions}
% States are a comma-separated list of states with the following format.
% name/displayname/options
% The name is used in the transitions. The displayname is shown in the diagram
% and the options are TikZ options to the state node (see TikZ's automata
% library). In particular, initial denotes the initial state and accepting
% denotes the accepting states. Multiple options can be given as a
% brace-delimited, comma-separated list. E.g., q0/q_0/{initial,accepting}.
% Transitions are a comma-separated list of transitions with the following
% format.
% x/{a,b}/y/edgeoptions/labeloptions,
% x/a/z/edgeoptions/labeloptions
% Here, x, y, and z are states and a is an input symbol such that
% {y, z} = delta(x, a) and b is such that {y} = delta(x, b).
% The edgeoptions apply to the TikZ edge operation and labeloptions apply to
% the label node. In both cases, multiple options can be given as a
% brace-delimited, comma-separated list.
% The input symbol can be a brace-delimited, comma-separated list of input
% symbols. E.g., q0/{a,b}/q1/loop above/.
% \fa@addalluniqueto{\listmacro}{\csvlist}
% \fa@adduniqueto{\listmacro}{item}
% \fa@csvlisttolist{\listmacro}{\csvlistmacro}
% \fa@csvlistadd{\csvlistmacro}{item}
% \fa@listtocsvlist{\csvlistmacro}{\listmacro}
% \fa@singlestep{\outputstates}{\inputsymbol}{curstate}
\foreach \s/\as/\r/\x/\y in \fa@trans {%
\foreach \a in \as {%
% \fa@epsclosure{\states}
% Compute the epsilon-closure of the states.
% This could be faster
% \farunfrom{nfa}{states}{input}
% Input is stored in \fainput.
% Output states are stored in \fastate.
% The state sequence is stored in \fastates as a comma-separated list of
% brace-delimited, comma-separated states.
% Compute epsilon-closure
% Add it to the list of states
\foreach \i in \fainput {%
% Loop over each current state and perform the single step transitions
% for the state on input \i
% \farun{nfa}{input}
% Input is stored in \fainput.
% Output states are stored in \fastate.
% The state sequence is stored in \fastates as a comma-separated list of
% brace-delimited, comma-separated states.
% \fahighlight[options]{name}{state highlights}
% Draw and highlight the states corresponding to the sequence of states from
% state highlights
% name should be the name of the finite automaton
% state highlights should (expand to) be a comma separated, sequence of
% brace-delimited, comma-separated set of states
/tikz/name/.append style={/tikz/alias={#2-##1}},%
\foreach \fa@s/\fa@n/\fa@o in \fa@states {%
\foreach[count=\fa@c] \fa@xs in \fa@hlstates {%
\foreach \fa@x in \fa@xs {%
\foreach \fa@s/\fa@a/\fa@r/\fa@x/\fa@y in \fa@trans {%
\edef\fa@temp{\noexpand\path (\fa@s) edge[\the\toks0] node [\the\toks2] {\the\toks4} (\fa@r)}%
% \fadraw[options]{automaton}
% \fainputhighlight[options]{input}
\begin{scope}[start chain, node distance=0pt, every node/.style={inner sep=0pt}, #1]%
\foreach \fa@x [count=\fa@i] in \fa@input
\node [on chain, grayinput=\fa@i, markinput=\fa@i] {\strut\texttt{\fa@x}};%
% Compatibility
% \drawdfa[options]{dfa}
% \dfainputhighlightlast[options]
% Highlight the last sequence of input run by \dfarun.
% \dfahighlightlast[options]
% Draw and highlight the states corresponding to the sequence of states from
% the last run of \dfarun.
% Turing machines
\ifcsdef{fa@#1@states}{\fa@err{#1 already defined}}{}%
\foreach \fa@s/\fa@n/\fa@o in {#2}{%
\foreach \fa@x in \fa@o {%
\ifcsdef{fa@#1@initial}{\fa@err{#1 has multiple initial states}}{}%
\ifcsdef{fa@#1@accept}{\fa@err{#1 has multiple accepting states}}{}%
\ifcsdef{fa@#1reject}{\fa@err{#1 has multiple rejecting states}}{}%
\ifcsdef{fa@#1@initial}{}{\fa@err{#1 doesn't have an initial state}}%
\ifcsdef{fa@#1@accept}{}{\fa@err{#1 doesn't have an accepting state}}%
{\fa@err{#1's accepting state is its rejecting state}}{}%
\advance\tmsteps by1
\foreach \fa@q/\fa@ts/\fa@r/\fa@x/\fa@y in \fa@trans {%
\foreach \fa@t in \fa@ts {%
\expandafter\fa@tm@split@transition\fa@t X\@nil
\if\fa@dir L%
% At the left side, don't move
\else\if\fa@dir S%
\else % R
% a->L or a->S or a->R
% a->bL or a->bS or a->bR
% \tmsplitconfig{\leftcs}{\statecs}{\rightcs}{config}
% \tmstatename[reject state]{\cs}{tm}{state}
\ifcsdef{fa@#3@states}{}{\fa@err{TM #3 not defined}}%
\foreach \fa@s/\fa@n/\fa@o in \fa@states {%
% \tmhighlight[options]{tm}{configurations}
/tikz/name/.append style={/tikz/alias={#2-##1}},%
\foreach \fa@q/\fa@n/\fa@o in \fa@states {%
\foreach[count=\fa@c] \fa@config in \fa@configs {%
\foreach \fa@q/\fa@ts/\fa@r/\fa@x/\fa@y in \fa@trans {%
\foreach \fa@t in \fa@ts {%
\expandafter\fa@tm@split@transition\fa@t X\@nil
\edef\fa@temp{\noexpand\path(\fa@q)edge[\the\toks0]node[align=left,\the\toks2]{\the\fa@toks} (\fa@r)}%
start chain=tape,%
node distance=0pt,%
every node/.style={inner sep=0pt,minimum size=1em},%
\foreach [count=\fa@i] \fa@config in \fa@configs {%
\node[on chain]{\strut};
\draw (tape-end.south west) -- (tape-end.north west);
\advance\tmsteps by1
\draw (tape-begin.south west) rectangle (tape-end.north east);
\advance\count@ by1
\draw[thick,red,<-,shorten <=1pt](tape-\the\count@) -- +(0,-2em);
\advance\tmsteps by1
\node[on chain]{\strut#1};%
\draw (tape-end.south west) -- (tape-end.north west);
% XXX: We should be able to use this to speed up TM drawing by selecting the
% configuration to draw and just drawing that.
\advance\count@ by-1
\ifcase\count@ \def\fa@config{#1}%
\or \gdef\fa@config{#2}%
\or \gdef\fa@config{#3}%
\or \gdef\fa@config{#4}%
\or \gdef\fa@config{#5}%
\or \gdef\fa@config{#6}%
\or \gdef\fa@config{#7}%
\or \gdef\fa@config{#8}%
\or \gdef\fa@config{#9}%
\advance\count@ by-9
\fa@err{Requested configuration number larger than number of
\fa@err{Requested configuration number larger than number of
% vim: set shiftwidth=2 softtabstop=2 tabstop=8 expandtab:
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