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Last active October 24, 2018 21:29
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Simple Jekyll plugin to 1. parse `$…$` or `\(…\)` as inline math; 2. parse `$$…$$` as display math both inside and outside paragraphs.
# This is a (more) sane math parsing scheme.
require 'kramdown/parser/kramdown'
require 'kramdown/parser/kramdown/block_boundary'
module Kramdown
module Parser
class Skramdown < Kramdown::Parser::GFM
def initialize(source, options)
idx = @span_parsers.index(:inline_math)
@span_parsers[idx] = :sane_inline_math
@span_parsers.insert(idx, :sane_display_math)
# (?<!\\|\$) Isn't preceded by a backslash or a dollar sign
# \$ Dollar sign
# (?!\$) Isn't followed by a dollar sign
# (.*?) Nongreedy match
# (?<!\\|\$) Isn't preceded by a backslash or a dollar sign
# \$ Dollar sign
# (?!\$) Isn't followed by a dollar sign
# | Or
# (?<!\\) Not a backslash
# \\\( Backslash, open parenthesis
# (.*?) Nongreedy match
# (?<!\\) Isn't preceded by a backslash
# \\\) Backslash, close parenthesis
SANE_INLINE_MATH_START = /(?<!\\|\$)\$(?!\$)(.*?)(?<!\\|\$)\$(?!\$)|(?<!\\)\\\((.*?)(?<!\\)\\\)/m
def parse_sane_inline_math
start_line_number = @src.current_line_number
@src.pos += @src.matched_size
data = (@src[1] || @src[2]).strip
@tree.children <<, data, nil, :category => :span, :location => start_line_number)
define_parser(:sane_inline_math, SANE_INLINE_MATH_START, '\\$|\\\\\\(')
SANE_DISPLAY_MATH_START = /(?<!\\)\$\$(.*?)\$\$/m
def parse_sane_display_math
start_line_number = @src.current_line_number
@src.pos += @src.matched_size
data = (@src[1] || @src[2]).strip
@tree.children <<, data, nil, :category => :block, :location => start_line_number)
define_parser(:sane_display_math, SANE_DISPLAY_MATH_START, '\\$\\$')
# vim: set sw=2 sts=2 ts=8 et:
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  • skramdown.rb goes in _plugins.
  • katex.min.js from KaTeX goes anywhere you want, I put it in a katex directory.

In my site's Gemfile, I have

gem 'sskatex'

In my site's _config.yml, I have

  - 'sskatex'

  - katex

markdown: kramdown

  math_engine: sskatex
    katex_js: 'katex/katex.min.js'
  input: Skramdown

In my _layouts/default.html, I have

  {% if page.katex %}
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha384-TEMocfGvRuD1rIAacqrknm5BQZ7W7uWitoih+jMNFXQIbNl16bO8OZmylH/Vi/Ei" crossorigin="anonymous">
  {% endif %}

To include the KaTeX CSS file in a page, I set

katex: true

in the page's front matter.

After this is done, I noticed that the font size is too large and that display math inside paragraphs was respecting the paragraph's text-indent. These are easily fixed with the CSS (actually SASS)

 * Math content
.katex {
    font-size: $base-font-size !important;

.katex-display {
    text-indent: 0px;

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