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Last active February 19, 2023 17:47
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  • Save steveclarke/ba73c6b2e198f14f1b729ad6825c04ca to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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" Leader is <space>
let mapleader = ' '
nnoremap <Space> <Nop>
" nobody wants that bell!
set visualbell
set incsearch
set hlsearch
" Case insensitive searching unless /C or capitilization is used in search
set ignorecase
set smartcase
" Min number of lines above and below cursor
set scrolloff=5
" IdeaVim Config
" Creation of global mark will trigger creation of IDE's bookmark and vice versa.
" Note - you must use global marks like `A` to access IDE's bookmark.
set ideamarks
set ideajoin
set surround
set commentary
" default <leader><leader>f<char> to jump to char"
set easymotion
"map <leader>E <Plug>(easymotion-s)
"map <leader>e <Plug>(easymotion-f)
set highlightedyank
set matchit
" Third party plugins
"set sneak " Beware, this plugin causes conflict with Surround's visual mode S mapping
"" Which-key
set which-key
set notimeout
"set timeoutlen=5000
"let g:WhichKey_ShowVimActions = 'true'
let g:WhichKey_ShowTypedSequence = 'true'
" Use system clipboard
set clipboard+=unnamed
set clipboard+=ideaput
" Disable IdeaVim in dialogs and singleline fields
set ideavimsupport=
" Keymaps
" inoremap jj <Esc>
let g:WhichKeyDesc_clear_highlight = '<Leader>/ Clear Search Highlight'
nnoremap <Leader>/ :noh<CR>
" Move cursor up/down by 10 lines
nnoremap <S-j> 10j
nnoremap <S-k> 10k
map <A-Up> <Action>(MoveLineUp)
map <A-Down> <Action>(MoveLineDown)
"" -- Map IDE actions to IdeaVim --
"" :actionlist to view all available actions. Enable "Track Action Ids" to see
"" the action id after each action
"" \ mappings
let g:WhichKeyDesc_reformat = '\r Reformat Code'
map \r <Action>(ReformatCode)
let g:WhichKeyDesc_toggle_line_breakpoint = '\b Toggle Line Breakpoint'
map \b <Action>(ToggleLineBreakpoint)
"" <Leader> mappings
"" A
let g:WhichKeyDesc_context_actions = '<leader>a Show Context Actions'
map <leader>a <Action>(ShowIntentionActions)
"" B
let g:WhichKeyDesc_goto_declaration = '<leader>b Goto Declaration'
map <leader>b <Action>(GotoDeclaration)
"" C
let g:WhichKeyDesc_close_all = '<leader>ca Close All'
map <leader>ca <Action>(CloseAllEditors)
let g:WhichKeyDesc_comment = '<leader>cc Toggle Comment'
map <leader>cc <Action>(CommentByLineComment)
let g:WhichKeyDesc_close_all_but_active = '<leader>co Close All But Active'
map <leader>co <Action>(CloseAllEditorsButActive)
"" D
let g:WhichKeyDesc_duplicate = '<leader>dd Duplicate'
map <leader>dd <Action>(EditorDuplicate)
"" F
let g:WhichKeyDesc_go_to_action = '<leader>fa Go To Action'
map <leader>fa <Action>(GotoAction)
let g:WhichKeyDesc_go_to_class = '<leader>fc Go To Class'
map <leader>fc <Action>(GotoClass)
let g:WhichKeyDesc_goto_database_object = '<leader>fd Go To Database Object'
map <leader>fd <Action>(GotoDatabaseObject)
let g:WhichKeyDesc_goto_file = '<leader>ff Go To File'
map <leader>ff <Action>(GotoFile)
let g:WhichKeyDesc_find_in_path = '<leader>fp Find In Path'
map <leader>fp <Action>(FindInPath)
let g:WhichKeyDesc_find_usages = '<leader>fu Find Usages'
map <leader>fu <Action>(FindUsages)
"" G
let g:WhichKeyDesc_generate = '<leader>ge Show Generate Popup'
map <leader>ge <Action>(Generate)
let g:WhichKeyDesc_generate_from_ruby = '<leader>gr Generate Ruby Type Signatures'
map <Leader>gr <Action>(rbs.generate.from.ruby)
"" H
let g:WhichKeyDesc_previous_tab = '<leader>h Previous Tab'
map <leader>h <Action>(PreviousTab)
"" J
let g:WhichKeyDesc_join_lines = '<leader>j Join Lines'
nnoremap <leader>j J
"" L
let g:WhichKeyDesc_next_tab = '<leader>l Next Tab'
map <leader>l <Action>(NextTab)
"" R
let g:WhichKeyDesc_choose_run_configuration = '<leader>rc Choose Run Configuration'
map <leader>rc <Action>(ChooseRunConfiguration)
let g:WhichKeyDesc_debug = '<leader>rd Debug'
map <leader>rd <Action>(DebugClass)
let g:WhichKeyDesc_refactor = '<leader>re Refactor'
map <leader>re <Action>(Refactorings.QuickListPopupAction)
let g:WhichKeyDesc_recent_files = '<leader>rf Recent Files'
mmp <leader>rf <Action>(RecentFiles)
let g:WhichKeyDesc_recent_locations = '<leader>rl Recent Locations'
map <leader>rl <Action>(RecentLocations)
let g:WhichKeyDesc_rename_element = '<leader>rn Rename Element'
map <leader>rn <Action>(RenameElement)
let g:WhichKeyDesc_replace = '<leader>rp Find and Replace'
map <leader>rp <Action>(Replace)
let g:WhichKeyDesc_execute = '<leader>rr Run'
map <leader>rr <Action>(RunClass)
"" S
let g:WhichKeyDesc_select_all = '<leader>sa Select All'
map <leader>sa <Action>($SelectAll)
let g:WhichKeyDesc_new_scratch_buffer = '<leader>sb New Scratch Buffer'
map <leader>sb <Action>(NewScratchBuffer)
let g:WhichKeyDesc_scratch_change_language = '<leader>sc Change Scratch Language'
map <leader>sc <Action>(Scratch.ChangeLanguage)
let g:WhichKeyDesc_split_down = '<leader>sd Split and Move Down'
map <leader>sd <Action>(MoveTabDown)
let g:WhichKeyDesc_new_scratch_file = '<leader>sf New Scratch File'
map <leader>sf <Action>(NewScratchFile)
let g:WhichKeyDesc_select_in = '<leader>si Select In'
map <leader>si <Action>(SelectIn)
let g:WhichKeyDesc_edit_in_new_window = '<leader>sn Edit in New Window'
mp <leader>sn <Action>(EditSourceInNewWindow)
let g:WhichKeyDesc_split_other = '<leader>so Move Editor to Opposite Tab Group'
map <leader>so <Action>(MoveEditorToOppositeTabGroup)
let g:WhichKeyDesc_split_right = '<leader>sr Split and Move Right'
map <leader>sr <Action>(MoveTabRight)
let g:WhichKeyDesc_scratch_show_files_popup = '<leader>ss Show Scratch Files Popup'
map <leader>ss <Action>(Scratch.ShowFilesPopup)
let g:WhichKeyDesc_show_usages = '<leader>su Show Usages'
map <leader>su <Action>(ShowUsages)
let g:WhichKeyDesc_surround_with = '<leader>sw Surround With'
map <leader>sw <Action>(SurroundWith)
"" V
let g:WhichKeyDesc_show_file_history = '<leader>vv Show VCS File History'
map <leader>vh <Action>(Vcs.ShowTabbedFileHistory)
let g:WhichKeyDesc_show_vcs_quick_list = '<leader>vv Show VCS Quick List'
map <leader>vv <Action>(Vcs.QuickListPopupAction)
"" W
let g:WhichKeyDesc_hide_all_windows = '<leader>w Hide All Panels'
map <leader>w <Action>(HideAllWindows)
"" Window navigation
let g:WhichKeyDesc_window_left = '<C-l> Window Left'
nnoremap <C-l> <C-w>l
let g:WhichKeyDesc_window_right = '<C-h> Window Left'
nnoremap <C-h> <C-w>h
let g:WhichKeyDesc_window_down = '<C-j> Window Down'
nnoremap <C-j> <C-w>j
let g:WhichKeyDesc_window_up = '<C-k> Window Up'
nnoremap <C-k> <C-w>k
vmap gq <Action>(com.andrewbrookins.idea.wrap.WrapAction)
map <tab> <Action>(PreviousTab)
map <s-tab> <Action>(NextTab)
" Find more examples here:
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