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Last active November 21, 2022 11:05
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git cheatsheet

Git Cheatsheet

Fetching and Pulling

Task Command
Fetch for later merging git fetch [remote name]
Pull and merge git pull [remote name]
Pull and rebase local changes on top (instead of merging) git pull --rebase [remote name]
Clone only a subset of files git init repo
cd repo
git remote add origin url
git config core.sparsecheckout true
echo "path/*" >> .git/info/sparse-checkout
git pull --depth=1 origin master


Task Command
Push commits to the remote repo git push <remote> [branch]
Push a new local branch to the remote repo and track it git push -u <remote> <branch>
Push a specific tag to the remote repo git push <remote> <tagname>
Push all tags to the remote repo git push --tags <remote>


Task Command
Create a branch git branch <new branch name>
Create a branch for a starting point e.g. commit git branch <new branch name> [starting point]
Create a branch and checkout at the same time git checkout -b <new branch name> [starting point (commit)]
View all local branches git branch
View all remote branches git branch -r
View all branches git branch -a
View all branches that are merged into the current branch git branch --merged
View all branches that are not merged into the current branch git branch --no-merged
View all branches that contain a commit git branch --contains <commit id>
Delete a branch (foo) that has been merged into the current branch git branch -d foo
Delete a branch (foo) that has not been merged into the current branch git branch -D foo
Rename a branch git branch -m <old> <new>


Task Command
Merge from branch foo into the current branch git merge foo
Merge from foo but don't commit git merge --no-commit foo
Force creation of a merge commit (allows easier reverting of the merge) git merge --no-ff foo
Add a one line log messae from each merged commit git merge --log foo
Specify a custom log message git merge -m 'msg' foo
Merging with conflicts git merge foo; resolve; git add; git commit
Merge a single commit from another branch into the local one git cherry-pick <commit id>
Merge latest commit from a branch git cherry-pick <branch name>
Merge latest commit from a tag git cherry-pick <tag name>
Cherry pick but edit the commit message git cherry-pick -e <commit id>
Cherry pick but don't commit git cherry-pick --no-commit <commit id>
Add a "Signed-off-by" line to the commit message git cherry-pick --signoff <commit id>


Task Command
Rebase current branch against master git rebase master
Rebase current branch against a commit git rebase <commit id>
Continue a rebase after a conflict git rebase --continue
Skip a commit that is causing a conflict git rebase --skip
Abort a rebase git rebase --abort
Undo a rebase after it completes git reset --hard ORIG_HEAD
Interactive rebase git rebase -i
Move branch git rebase --onto <onto branch> <from branch> <branch to move>


Task Command
List all tags git tag
Tag the latest commit as v1.0 in the current branch git tag v1.0
Create a tag called beta1 from the next to last commit git tag beta HEAD^


Task Command
Stash changes in the working tree git stash
Apply a stash to the current working tree git stash apply
Apply a stash and remove from the stash stack git stash pop
List the available stashes git stash list
Create a stash in patch mode git stash -p
Delete stashes git stash drop <stash name>
Remove all stashed changes git stash clear
Create a branch from an existing stash git stash branch <branch name> [<stash name>]


Task Command
View a list of all commits git log
View the log with each commit on a single line git log --oneline
View the last N commits git log -N
Show the changes made in the last commit git log -l -p HEAD
List all commits that changed a specific file git log --follow -- filename
Limit the log output to a single file or directory git log -- some/path/ or git log -- some_file
View the commits in the last week git log --since="1 week" or git log --after="7 days"
View the commits prior to last week git log --before="1 week" or git log --until="7 days"
View the log entries by a single committer git log --author="Stephen"
View the log entries matching a regular expression git log --grep="some [Rr]eg[Ee]x"
View the log entries matching a regular expression and ignoring case git log --grep="some [Rr]eg[Ee]x" -i
View which files were changed in each each commit git log --stat
View cumulative stats only for each commit git log --shortstat
View the commits between two branches git log --left-right --cherry-pick --oneline branch1...branch2
View the changes within the files between each commit git log --patch
Graphically view the commits git log --graph --all --decorate --oneline


Task Command
View the differences beween the current working area and the staging area git diff
View the differences ignoring whitespace git diff -w
View the differences between the staging area and the repo git diff --staged
View the differences between the working tree and a commit in the repo git diff HEAD or git diff <commit id>
View the differences between two commits git diff first second
View the differences between a local and a remote branch git diff <local_branch> <remote>/<remote_branch>
Limit the diff output to a specific path git diff -- path/
Show the files that have changed git diff --stat
Show the files that have changed between the working tree and a branch git diff --stat -- branch_name
Show change stats between the last 10 commits git diff --stat HEAD~10
Show statistics between 2 commits git diff --stat first second
Show summary stats for the last 10 commits git diff --shortstat HEAD~10
Show stats in a parseable format for the last 10 commits git diff --numstat HEAD~10
Show the patch in addition to the statistics information stats in a parseable format for the last 10 commits
View the commits between two branches git log --left-right --cherry-pick --oneline branch1...branch2


Task Command
Check the stats of a patch to be applied git apply --stats <patch>
Check for errors git apply --check <patch>
Apply the patch but don't commit it git apply <patch>
Apply and commit the patch git am <patch>
Apply and commit the patch with signoff git am --signoff <patch>


Task Command
Display file with entire line-by-line commit info git blame some/file
Start the output of blame at line 10 git blame -L 10 some/file
Limit the output of blame to lines 10 through 20 git blame -L 10,20 some/file or git blame -L 10,+11 file
Show 10 lines of blame starting at regex git blame -L "/def to_s/",+10 some/file


Task Command
Amend the previous commit Stage a new change and git commit --amend
Amend the previous commit and keep the same log message git commit --amend -C HEAD
Fix the previous commit by removing it git reset --hard HEAD
Use interactive rebase to edit a commit other than the last one git rebase -i HEAD~3 then git commit --amend then git rebase --continue
Revert a commit git revert <commit id>
Revert a commit using the default message git revert --no-edit <commit id>
Revert a commit, but don't commit the change git revert --no-commit <commit id>
Reset staged changes but don't erase any changes git reset HEAD
Reset staged changes but don't erase any changes git reset HEAD
Reset specific files git reset HEAD <file1> <file2> ...
Completely undo last commit git checkout HEAD <file or path to reset>
Completely remove the last 3 commits git reset --hard HEAD^^^
Reset last commit and stage the changes git reset --soft HEAD^
Undo last change to head git reset ORIG_HEAD
Erase commits with interactive rebase git rebase -i <commit to erase
Narrow down a buggy commit git bisect start, git bisect bad, git bisect good <commit id>, git bisect reset


Task Command
Add a new remote repo git remote add <name> <repo URL>
Remove a remote git remote rm <name>
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