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Created May 26, 2015 06:26
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Acceptance rates
All of these numbers are from proceedings except chi2012 and infovis2012, which are from paper notification emails.
CHI 2011 - 1540 submitted. 409 accepted (27%)
CHI 2011 papers - 1012. 306 (30%)
CHI 2011 notes - 514. 103 (20%)
CHI 2012 - 1577 submitted. 23% accepted (23%) - from notification email
InfoVis 2011 - 172 submitted. 44 accepted (26%)
InfoVis 2012 - 178 submitted. 44 accepted (25%) - from notification email
Vis 2011 - 194 submitted. 49 accepted (25%)
UIST 2011 - 262 submitted. 67 accepted (25%)
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