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# t-test vs wilcox vs ordinal
library(multidplyr) # parallelize
library(rms) # ordinal regression
sample_size = 500 # N
# generate paired sets and calculate p-values with different techniques
# reduce the iterations number to reduce time
simulate = function(iterations, seed = NULL) {
breaks = qnorm(cumsum(c(0, 0.2, 0.25, 0.18, 0.12, 0.1, 0.08, 0.07)))
replicate(iterations, (function() {
#### data with skewed distribution that changes after treatment
data = tibble(
subject = paste0("S", 1:sample_size),
# sample ordinal values with a made-up distribution
before = rnorm(sample_size),
after = sqrt(0.8)*before + sqrt(.1)*scale(before^2,center = T) + sqrt(0.1)*rnorm(sample_size, mean=0.15)
) %>%
# cut into ordinal:
mutate(after = as.numeric(cut(after,breaks=breaks)),
before = as.numeric(cut(before,breaks=breaks)))
#### NULL effect
data_null = tibble(
subject = paste0("S", 1:sample_size),
# sample ordinal values with a uniform distribution
before = rnorm(sample_size),
# change after treatment is noisy
after = sqrt(0.9)*before + sqrt(0.1)*rnorm(sample_size)
) %>%
# cunt into semetric ordinal
mutate(after = as.numeric(cut(after,breaks=breaks)),
before = as.numeric(cut(before,breaks=breaks)))
data_long = pivot_longer(data, before:after, names_to = "time", values_to = "measurement")
data_long_null = pivot_longer(data_null, before:after, names_to = "time", values_to = "measurement")
p_t = t.test(data$before, data$after, paired = TRUE)$p.value,
p_w = wilcox.test(data$before, data$after, paired = TRUE)$p.value,
p_o = rms::orm(measurement ~ time, data_long, x=TRUE, y=TRUE) %>%
rms::robcov(cluster = data_long$subject) %>%
anova() %>%
as_tibble() %>% mutate(p = as.numeric(P)) %>% pull(p) %>% pluck(1),
p_t_null = t.test(data_null$before, data_null$after, paired = TRUE)$p.value,
p_w_null = wilcox.test(data_null$before, data_null$after, paired = TRUE)$p.value,
p_o_null = rms::orm(measurement ~ time, data_long_null, x=TRUE, y=TRUE) %>%
rms::robcov(cluster = data_long_null$subject) %>%
anova() %>%
as_tibble() %>% mutate(p = as.numeric(P)) %>% pull(p) %>% pluck(1)
})(), simplify = FALSE) %>% bind_rows()
# setup for parallel run
my_cluster = multidplyr::new_cluster(parallel::detectCores() - 1)
cluster_library(my_cluster, "rms")
cluster_library(my_cluster, "magrittr")
cluster_library(my_cluster, "dplyr")
cluster_library(my_cluster, "tidyr")
cluster_library(my_cluster, "purrr")
# copy variables to every cluster and run in parallel
start_time = Sys.time()
cluster_copy(my_cluster, "sample_size")
cluster_copy(my_cluster, "simulate")
cluster_assign(my_cluster, iterations = round(10000 / length(my_cluster)))
cluster_assign_each(my_cluster, seed = 8675309 + 1:length(my_cluster))
ps = cluster_call(my_cluster, simulate(iterations, seed))
ps = ps %>% bind_rows()
Sys.time() - start_time
##### results #####
# what percent of p-values are below 0.05
ps %>%
t_test = mean(p_t<0.05) %>% scales::label_percent(.1)(),
wilcox_test = mean(p_w<0.05) %>% scales::label_percent(.1)(),
ordinal_regression = mean(p_o<0.05) %>% scales::label_percent(.1)(),
# t_test wilcox_test ordinal_regression
# 73.6% 73.8% 69.7%
# t-test vs ordinal
ps %>%
mutate(t_yes_o_no = (p_t<0.05) & (p_o>0.05)) %>%
mutate(t_no_o_yes = (p_t>0.05) & (p_o<0.05)) %>%
t_yes_o_no = mean(t_yes_o_no) %>% scales::label_percent(.1)(),
t_no_o_yes = mean(t_no_o_yes) %>% scales::label_percent(.1)()
# t_yes_o_no t_no_o_yes
# 7.8% 3.9%
# t-test vs wilcox
ps %>%
mutate(t_yes_w_no = (p_t<0.05) & (p_w>0.05)) %>%
mutate(t_no_w_yes = (p_t>0.05) & (p_w<0.05)) %>%
t_yes_w_no = mean(t_yes_w_no) %>% scales::label_percent(.1)(),
t_no_w_yes = mean(t_no_w_yes) %>% scales::label_percent(.1)()
# t_yes_w_no t_no_w_yes
# 0.2% 0.5%
# wilcox vs ordinal
ps %>%
mutate(w_yes_o_no = (p_w<0.05) & (p_o>0.05)) %>%
mutate(w_no_o_yes = (p_w>0.05) & (p_o<0.05)) %>%
w_yes_o_no = mean(w_yes_o_no) %>% scales::label_percent(.1)(),
w_no_o_yes = mean(w_no_o_yes) %>% scales::label_percent(.1)()
# w_yes_o_no w_no_o_yes
# 7.9% 3.7%
# t-test vs ordinal EXTREME
ps %>%
mutate(t_yes_o_no = (p_t<0.01) & (p_o>0.05)) %>%
mutate(t_no_o_yes = (p_t>0.05) & (p_o<0.01)) %>%
t_yes_o_no = mean(t_yes_o_no) %>% scales::label_percent(.1)(),
t_no_o_yes = mean(t_no_o_yes) %>% scales::label_percent(.1)()
# t_yes_o_no t_no_o_yes
# 1.0% 0.1%
##### NULL results
# NULL: what percent of p-values are below 0.05
ps %>%
t_test = mean(p_t_null<0.05) %>% scales::label_percent(.1)(),
wilcox_test = mean(p_w_null<0.05) %>% scales::label_percent(.1)(),
ordinal_regression = mean(p_o_null<0.05) %>% scales::label_percent(.1)(),
# t_test wilcox_test ordinal_regression
# 5.1% 5.2% 5.1%
# NULL: t-test vs ordinal
ps %>%
mutate(t_yes_o_no = (p_t_null<0.05) & (p_o_null>0.05)) %>%
mutate(t_no_o_yes = (p_t_null>0.05) & (p_o_null<0.05)) %>%
t_yes_o_no = mean(t_yes_o_no) %>% scales::label_percent(.1)(),
t_no_o_yes = mean(t_no_o_yes) %>% scales::label_percent(.1)()
# t_yes_o_no t_no_o_yes
# 1.5% 1.5%
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