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Last active June 20, 2023 14:15
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datacolada 110 replot

Data Colada Plot

The singular point in the top left is pointed out as the lower case harvard point


Steve's Plot

Notice that the purple diamond for lower-case-harvard is not the same as the singular point in the top left


library(foreign) # for read.spss()
library(ggdist) # for geom_dots()
# load the data
# source:
data = foreign::read.spss("data_Experiment_4.sav", %>%
data = data %>%
# clean up string columns
mutate(across(where(is.character), str_trim)) %>%
# identify "harvard" and "Harvard" responses
mutate(harvard = ifelse(str_to_lower(yearSchool) == "harvard", yearSchool, "no red flags")) %>%
# combine conditions
mutate(condition2 = ifelse(condition == "ProAttitudinal", "Argued Own Side\n(Predicted LOW)", "Argued Other Side\n(Predicted HIGH)")) %>%
mutate(condition2 = fct_rev(factor(condition2)))
# show the lower case data point
data %>%
filter(yearSchool == "harvard") %>%
select(yearSchool, condition, condition2, av_products_clean)
# # A tibble: 1 × 4
# yearSchool condition condition2 av_products_clean
# <chr> <chr> <fct> <dbl>
# 1 harvard No_Choice "Argued Other Side\n(Predicted HIGH)" 7
ggplot(data) +
aes(x=condition2, y=av_products_clean, fill=harvard, alpha=harvard, shape=harvard, group=NA) +
ggdist::geom_dots(side="both", position="dodge", color=NA) +
scale_fill_manual( values = c(`no red flags` = "#377EB8", Harvard = "#E41A1C", harvard = "#984EA3")) +
scale_shape_manual(values = c(`no red flags` = 21, Harvard = 22, harvard = 23)) +
scale_alpha_manual(values = c(`no red flags` = 0.4, Harvard = 1, harvard = 1)) +
theme_classic(18) +
theme(axis.line.x = element_blank(), axis.ticks.x = element_blank()) +
labs(fill = NULL, alpha = NULL, shape = NULL, x = NULL,
y = "Evaluation of Cleansing Products",
title = "'Harvard' Class Year Observations Are Extremely Supportive of Predicted Pattern",
subtitle = "Gino, Kouchaki, & Galinsky (2015) - Study 4")
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