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Created January 7, 2023 08:07
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Extract IEEE citation numbers from a PDF
# Extract all citation numbers such as [1] from a PDF's text
# It also includes cases for multiples [1, 3] and ranges [1-5]
# It tries to exclude confidence intervals by skipping
# written by Steve Haroz with help from ChatGPT
# MIT license
filename = "path/to/file.pdf"
# get text
text = pdftools::pdf_text(filename)
text = paste(text, collapse = "\n")
# Extract the citation numbers using regular expressions
citation_strings <- str_extract_all(text, "\\[(\\d+(?:, \\d+)*)(?:\\-\\d+)?\\]", simplify = TRUE)
# convert a bracket string to numbers
extract_citation_numbers <- function(citation_string) {
# Initialize an empty vector to store the citation numbers
citation_numbers <- c()
# Drop the brackets
citation_string = str_sub(citation_string, 2, -2)
# Detect confidence interval (a decimal point or percent sign)
if (str_detect(citation_string, "[\\.%]"))
# Split the text into separate entries
entries <- str_split(citation_string, ", ", simplify = TRUE)
# Loop through each entry
for (entry in entries) {
# Check if the entry is a range of numbers
if (str_detect(entry, "\\d+\\s*[-–]\\s*\\d+")) {
# Extract the start and end of the range
start <- as.integer(str_extract(entry, "^\\d+"))
end <- as.integer(str_extract(entry, "\\d+$"))
# Add the numbers in the range to the vector
citation_numbers <- c(citation_numbers, start:end)
} else {
# Extract the number
number <- as.integer(str_extract(entry, "\\d+"))
# Add the number to the vector
citation_numbers <- c(citation_numbers, number)
# Return the citation numbers
# Test the function
extract_citation_numbers("[1, 3 - 5, 8]")
# Output: 1 3 4 5 8
extract_citation_numbers("[0.2 - 7.4]")
# Output: NA
citation_numbers = sapply(citation_strings, extract_citation_numbers, simplify = TRUE) %>%
unlist(use.names = FALSE)
citation_numbers = tibble(citation_number = citation_numbers) %>%
filter(! %>%
count(citation_number) %>%
print(citation_numbers, n=999)
# a citation should appear at least twice (the citation and the reference)
citation_numbers %>%
filter(n < 2)
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