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Created December 21, 2011 10:59
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Instagram challenge solution
unshred = (shreddedImage, shredWidth) ->
{width, height} = shreddedImage
shreds = split shreddedImage, shredWidth
weights = cross shreds, (x, y) ->
if x == y
mean zipWith unzip(rightEdge(x)), unzip(leftEdge(y)), correlate
invertNormalize = (row) -> invert normalize row
path = optimalPath range(shreds.length), map weights, invertNormalize
unshreddedImage = element 'canvas', {width, height}
map path, (p, i) -> draw unshreddedImage, shreds[p], i * shredWidth, 0
optimalPath = (nodes, weights) ->
best = path: [], weight: Number.MAX_VALUE
walk = (nodes, current={path: [], weight: 0}) ->
return best = current if nodes.length == 0
weight = (node) -> current.weight + (weights[last current.path]?[node] ? 0)
weightCmp = (x, y) -> weight(x) - weight(y)
for node in sort nodes, weightCmp
return if best.weight < weight node
walk remove(node, nodes),
path: append(node, current.path)
weight: weight node
walk nodes
cross = (xs, fn) ->
(fn(x1, x2) for x2 in xs for x1 in xs)
correlate = (xs, ys) ->
covariance(xs, ys) / (stdDev(xs) * stdDev(ys))
covariance = (xs, ys) ->
[mx, my] = [mean(xs), mean(ys)]
mean zipWith xs, ys, (x, y) -> (x - mx) * (y - my)
normalize = (xs) ->
[mn, mx] = [min(xs), max(xs)]
map xs, (x) -> (x - mn) / (mx - mn)
invert = (xs) ->
map xs, (x) -> 1 - x
element = (type, options) ->
el = document.createElement type
for key, val of options
el[key] = val
draw = (target, source, args...) ->
target.getContext('2d').drawImage source, args...
loadImage = (src, callback) ->
image = new Image()
image.src = src
image.onload = ->
canvas = element 'canvas', width: image.width, height: image.height
draw canvas, image, 0, 0
callback canvas
split = (canvas, width) ->
height = canvas.height
for x in range(0, canvas.width, width)
slice = element 'canvas', width: width, height: height
draw slice, canvas, x, 0, width, height, 0, 0, width, height
pixelColumn = (canvas, index) ->
context = canvas.getContext('2d')
data = (i for i in context.getImageData(index, 0, 1, canvas.height).data)
rgb = ((data[(4 * i) + j] for j in range(3)) for i in range(canvas.height))
rightEdge = (canvas) ->
pixelColumn canvas, canvas.width - 1
leftEdge = (canvas) ->
pixelColumn canvas, 0
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