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Last active November 17, 2022 07:33
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Install MongoDB and Python wrapper

sudo apt-get install -y mongodb-org
python3 -m pip install -U pymongo

Start MongoDB daemon



service mongod start

Load JSON records into DB in BSON format

mongoimport --db aapb --collection pbcore --file /Volumes/U/AAPB_MongoDB_data/PBCore_JSON_70K.txt

Querying MongoDB in Python

from pymongo import MongoClient
from pprint import pprint

client = MongoClient()

records = client.aapbsample.pbcore

Search for exact creator name

cursor = records.find({ 'pbcoreDescriptionDocument.pbcoreCreator.creator' :  "Worden, Michelle"})

for item in cursor:

Search for exact program title

cursor = records.find({ 'pbcoreDescriptionDocument.pbcoreTitle.#text' :  "Grace: A Tribute to Pope John Paul II"})

for item in cursor:

Search for records containing "Music" as a genre

cursor = records.find({ 'pbcoreDescriptionDocument.pbcoreGenre.#text' :  "Music"})

for item in cursor:

Search for records that include "Arkansas" in description

cursor = records.find({ 'pbcoreDescriptionDocument.pbcoreDescription.#text' :  {'$regex':'.*Arkansas.*'}})

for item in cursor:
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