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Created June 16, 2020 21:57
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# Lint the Code (Run static-analysis
FROM builder as linter
WORKDIR /workspace
# Install deps
RUN go get
RUN go get
# Fail if any files are needing to be gofmt'd
RUN fmtFiles=$(go fmt ./...); test -z $fmtFiles || (echo "**** Need to run go fmt on: $fmtFiles ****" && exit 1)
RUN go vet ./...
RUN golangci-lint run \
--deadline=30m \
--disable-all \
--no-config \
--issues-exit-code=1 \
--enable=bodyclose \
--enable=deadcode \
--enable=dupl \
--enable=errcheck \
--enable=gocognit \
--enable=goconst \
--enable=gocyclo \
--enable=gofmt \
--enable=goimports \
--enable=golint \
--enable=gomodguard \
--enable=gosec \
--enable=govet \
--enable=ineffassign \
--enable=interfacer \
--enable=megacheck \
--enable=misspell \
--enable=nakedret \
--enable=prealloc \
--enable=rowserrcheck \
--enable=staticcheck \
--enable=structcheck \
--enable=stylecheck \
--enable=typecheck \
--enable=unconvert \
--enable=unparam \
--enable=varcheck \
RUN staticcheck -fail -tests -checks all ./...
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