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Last active June 10, 2022 20:35
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C++ typedef args to typeid list
#include <iostream>
#include <typeinfo>
#include <typeindex>
#include <span>
typedef int (*tExample) (int a, bool b, char* c, long long d);
template<typename T>
struct arg_types {};
template<typename R, typename... A>
struct arg_types<R(*)(A...)> {
inline static const std::type_index value[] = {typeid(A)...};
template<typename T>
static constexpr std::span<const std::type_index> arg_types_v = arg_types<T>::value;
int main()
auto vec = arg_types_v<tExample>;
for (const auto& t : vec)
std::cout << t.hash_code() << std::endl;
// ALTERNATIVE (free standing, no typeid). Also fixes bug with function types with 0 args by using std::array
using hash_t = std::uint64_t;
// FNV-1a 64 bit hash
consteval hash_t fnv1a_hash(std::size_t n, const char* str, hash_t hash = 14695981039346656037ull)
return n > 0 ? fnv1a_hash(n - 1, str + 1, (hash ^ *str) * 1099511628211ull) : hash;
template<std::size_t N>
consteval hash_t fnv1a_hash(const char(&array)[N])
return fnv1a_hash(N - 1, &array[0]);
struct string_view
char const* data;
std::size_t size;
consteval uint64_t hash() {
return fnv1a_hash(size, data);
template<size_t N>
consteval size_t length(char const (&)[N])
return N - 1;
template<class T>
consteval string_view get_unique_name_for_type()
return { __FUNCSIG__, length(__FUNCSIG__)};
template<typename T>
consteval uint64_t get_type_id() {
return get_unique_name_for_type<T>().hash();
template<typename T>
struct arg_types {};
template<typename R, typename... A>
struct arg_types<R(*)(A...)> {
static constexpr std::array<uint64_t, sizeof...(A)> value = {get_type_id<A>()...};
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