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Created February 14, 2017 21:04
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<h1 style="background-color: white;">The Natural Philosopher and Original Sin.</h1>
<h2 style="background-color: black; color: white;">Sir Issac Newton</h2>
<p> <ol>
<left><ul><b>I can calculate the motion of heavenly bodies, but not the madness of people.</b></ul>
<img src="" alt="SirIssacNewton" align= "left">
<p> <ul><b>Born</b> premature on Christmas Day <b>1642</b></ul>
<ul><b>Title:</b>Sir Issac Newton <b>Junior</b></ul>
<ul><b>Educated</b> at the <b>King's School</b> in Grantham</ul>
<ul>His <b>first job</b> was a <b><i>"Valet"</i></b></ul>
<ul>He was <b>dangerously close</b> twice to becoming a <b>farmer</b>!!</ul>
<ul>He was <b>bullied</b> in College</ul>
<ul>Newton earned money as a <i><b>craftsman.</b></i></ul>
<ul>One of the greatest known scientists of our time attended a theocratic university,<b><i> Trinity College.</i></b></ul>
The most important philosopher of all-time. Newton was plagued by the loss of family and place in family life. Newton had no heirs, few friends and many rivals but one blasphemous ambition: The pursuit of knowledge and the contemplation of "Doubt". The skew of Sir Newton was knowledge of the why of and where for and by the account of many historians was a contradiction of a man.
Pious yet pagan; Astronomer yet astrologic; Mathmatician yet Naturalist and finally Alchemist yet Scientific. He was a religious doubtful philosopher who question God and the observable world.
<a href="
newton/" target="_blank">Visit for more History</a>
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My seconde attempt at a webpage. Following the track. Search for styles for html and content. Drafting page helped but my draft was beyond my skill level.

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