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Created August 31, 2017 08:19
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import numpy as np
import abel
from scipy.special import jn
from scipy.ndimage import zoom
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Fourier-Hankel method: A = H F
# 2017-08-29
# see
# Steven Murray - implementation
# Stephen Gibson, Dan Hickstein - adapted for PyAbel
def construct_dht_matrix(N, nu = 0, b = 1):
m = np.arange(0, N).astype('float')
n = np.arange(0, N).astype('float')
return b * jn(nu, np.outer(b*m, n/N))
def dht(X, d = 1, nu = 0, axis=-1, b = 1):
N = X.shape[axis]
F = construct_dht_matrix(N,nu,b)*np.arange(0,N)
return d**2 * np.tensordot(F, X, axes=([1],[axis]))
def dft(X, axis=-1):
# discrete Fourier transform
n = X.shape[axis]
# Build a slicer to remove last element from flipped array
slc = [slice(None)] * len(X.shape)
slc[axis] = slice(None,-1)
X = np.append(np.flip(X,axis)[slc], X, axis=axis) # make symmetric
return np.abs(np.fft.rfft(X, axis=axis)[:n])/n
def hankel_fourier_transform(X, d=1, nu = 0, inverse=True, axis=-1):
n = X.shape[axis]
if inverse:
fx = dft(X, axis=axis) # Fourier transform
hf = dht(fx, d=1/(n*d), nu=nu, b=np.pi, axis=axis) * n / 2 # Hankel transform
hx = dht(X, d=1/(n*d), nu=nu, b=np.pi, axis=axis) * 2
hf = dft(hx)
return hf
def fourier_hankel_transform(IM, dr=1, inverse=True, basis_dir=None):
IM : 1D or 2D numpy array
Right-side half-image (or quadrant).
dr : float
Sampling size (=1 for pixel images), used for Jacobian scaling.
direction : str
'inverse' or 'forward' Abel transform
trans_IM : 1D or 2D numpy array
Inverse or forward Abel transform half-image, the same shape as IM.
IM = np.atleast_2d(IM)
transform_IM = hankel_fourier_transform(IM, inverse=inverse)
if transform_IM.shape[0] == 1:
transform_IM = transform_IM[0] # flatten to a vector
return transform_IM
n = 257
sigma = 20*n/100.
IM =, n, sigma=sigma,
fhIM = fourier_hankel_transform(IM.func)
tpIM = abel.dasch.three_point_transform(IM.func)
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot(IM.r, IM.func/np.sqrt(np.pi)/sigma,
ax.plot(IM.r, fhIM, label=r'Fourier-Hankel')
ax.plot(IM.r, tpIM , label=r'3pt')
ax.set_title('Fourier-Hankel 1-d test: $n={}$'.format(n))
plt.savefig("Fourier-Hankel-1D-Gauss.png", dpi=75)
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