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Created September 21, 2021 04:03
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A typescript utility type to convert snake_case keys of an interface, to camelCase
* Converts a type string from a snake_case string to PascalCase.
* This will convert all snake case strings including strings with no underscores, or many
export type PascaleFromSnake<String extends string> = String extends `${infer First}_${infer Rest}` ? `${Capitalize<Lowercase<First>>}${PascaleFromSnake<Rest>}` : Capitalize<Lowercase<String>>
* Converts a type string from a snake_case string to camelCase.
* This will convert all snake case strings including strings with no underscores, or many
export type CamelFromSnake<String extends string> = String extends `${infer First}_${infer Rest}` ? `${Lowercase<First>}${PascaleFromSnake<Rest>}` : Lowercase<String>
type InternalMapCamelKeys<T, deep extends boolean> = {
[key in keyof T & string]: {
[transformed in CamelFromSnake<key & string>]: deep extends true ? SnakeToCamelKeys<T[key], deep> : T[key]
// Creates a union of all value types within the map. This is used to extract out the values from above
type CombineAll<T> = T extends {[name in keyof T]: infer Type} ? Type : never
* Transforms an object with snake_case keys to an object with camelCase keys.
* If deep is true, this also transforms the keys of internal classes too.
export type SnakeToCamelKeys<T, deep extends boolean = false> = T extends object ? CombineAll<InternalMapCamelKeys<T, deep>> : T
// Example
interface Test {
name: string
other_name: string
some_other: {
with_inside: boolean
name: string
const exampleWithoutInner: SnakeToCamelKeys<Test> = {
name: 'Test',
otherName: 'Something else',
someOther: {
with_inside: false,
name: 'Inside'
const exampleWithInner: SnakeToCamelKeys<Test, true> = {
name: 'Test',
otherName: 'Something else',
someOther: {
withInside: true,
name: 'Inside'
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