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Created December 7, 2020 05:39
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Javascript/jQuery Section for the NLP Moviebot
var question = 1;
var query = '';
function formatRuntime(mins) {
if (mins == null) {
return 'N/A'
} else {
let h = Math.floor(mins / 60);
let m = mins % 60;
return `${h}h ${m}m`;
function formatReleaseDate(release_date) {
if (release_date == null){
return 'N/A'
} else {
return release_date.slice(0, 4)
function startOver(){
question = 1;
query = '';
$("#textInput").attr('readonly', false);
$("#textInput").attr('placeholder', 'Type "skip" to skip this question');
document.getElementById("userInput").scrollIntoView({ block: "start", behavior: "smooth" });
$('#chatbox').children().last().html('<p class="speech-bubble-user userText">start over</p>');
var botHtml = "<div class='speech-bubble-bot botText'><div class='loading-bubble'></div><div class='loading-bubble'></div><div class='loading-bubble'></div></div>";
$('#chatbox').children().last().html("Sure, let's go again! What movie genre(s) are you interested in?<br><i style='font-size: 16px; color: rgb(17, 39, 100)'>(if multiple, please separate them with a comma)</i>");
}, 500);
function getBotResponse() {
var rawText = $("#textInput").val();
var userHtml = '<p class="speech-bubble-user userText">' + rawText + "</p>";
document.getElementById("userInput").scrollIntoView({ block: "start", behavior: "smooth" });
// Last Question, Process Query
if (question == 0) {
if (rawText != 'skip') {
query += ' ' + rawText.toLowerCase().split(' ').join('').split(',').join(' ');
var botHtml = "<div class='speech-bubble-bot botText'><div class='loading-bubble'></div><div class='loading-bubble'></div><div class='loading-bubble'></div></div>";
$.get("/get", { msg: query }).done(function(data) {
var data = JSON.parse(data.replace(/\bNaN\b/g, 'null'));
$('#chatbox').children().last().html('Here are some movies for you:');
var botHtml = "<div class='movie-scrollbar'>";
for (var i=0; i<data.length; i++) {
botHtml += "<a href='"+data[i][1]+"' target='_blank'><div class='movie-box'><img src='"+data[i][1]+"'/><p class='movie-title'>"+data[i][0]+"</p><p class='movie-details'>"+formatRuntime(data[i][2])+" • "+formatReleaseDate(data[i][3])+" • IMBD: "+data[i][4]+"</p></div>";
botHtml += "</div>"
$("#chatbox").append("<div class='speech-bubble-start-over startOverText' onclick='startOver()'>start over</div>");
document.getElementById("userInput").scrollIntoView({ block: "start", behavior: "smooth" });
$("#textInput").attr('readonly', true);
$("#textInput").attr('placeholder', 'Click on "start over"');
// First Question, Append to Query
} else if (question == 1) {
var botHtml = "<div class='speech-bubble-bot botText'><div class='loading-bubble'></div><div class='loading-bubble'></div><div class='loading-bubble'></div></div>";
if (rawText != 'skip') {
query += rawText.toLowerCase().split(' ').join('').split(',').join(' ');
$('#chatbox').children().last().html('Got it! And who are some actors within that genre that you love?<br><i style="font-size: 16px; color: rgb(17, 39, 100)">(if multiple, please separate them with a comma)</i>');
}, 500);
// Second Question, Append to Query
} else {
question = 0;
var botHtml = "<div class='speech-bubble-bot botText'><div class='loading-bubble'></div><div class='loading-bubble'></div><div class='loading-bubble'></div></div>";
if (rawText != 'skip') {
query += ' ' + rawText.toLowerCase().split(' ').join('').split(',').join(' ');
$('#chatbox').children().last().html('Amazing! Last question: who are some directors within that genre that you love?<br><i style="font-size: 16px; color: rgb(17, 39, 100)">(if multiple, please separate them with a comma)</i>');
}, 500);
$("#textInput").keypress(function(e) {
if (e.which == 13) {
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