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Created June 16, 2012 21:47
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Simple Ruby Interface for vCenter Orchestrator
class VCO
#Require the Following Ruby Gems
require "rubygems"
require "savon"
require "ostruct"
#Set the Attributes
attr_writer :vcoHostName, :username, :password
def executeWfl(workflowName, workflowInputs)
vcoWsdl = "http://" + @vcoHostName + ":8280/vmware-vmo-webcontrol/webservice?WSDL"
client = Savon.client(vcoWsdl)
#Call vCO API getWorkflowsWithName Method on the Workflow Name Provided
response = client.request :get_workflows_with_name, :body => { :name => workflowName, :username => @username, :password => @password}
#Convert the Response to a Hash and then get the Workflow ID from that Hash (ID Is needed to Execute the Workflow)
response = response.to_hash
response = response
response = response.get_workflows_with_name_response
response = response
response = response.get_workflows_with_name_return
response = response
workflowId =
#Call the API Again to Execute the Workflow
secondResponse = client.request :execute_workflow, :body => { :workflow_id => workflowId, :username => @username, :password => @password, :workflow_inputs => workflowInputs}
#Create a new vcoServer Object and Set the Hostname, Username and Password.
vcoServer =
vcoServer.vcoHostName = ""
vcoServer.username = "vcoadmin"
vcoServer.password = "vcoadmin"
#Workflow Inputs need to be passed as an array of hashes. All vCO Workflow Input hashes have the following 3 keys name,type and value.
workflowInputs = [{:name => "firstName", :type => "String", :value => "Hello"}, {:name => "lastName", :type => "String", :value => "API"}]
#Execute the Workflow by passing the Workflow Name and the Input Parameters
vcoServer.executeWfl("helloapi", workflowInputs)
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