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Last active March 22, 2020 23:52
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Code Objective
Push encoder to turn on LED and servo control
Rotate encoder to move servo
Push encoder to turn off LED and servo control
Code by: Steven B. Combs (
Code date: 2020-03-08
// load the servo library
#include <Servo.h> // load the servo library
#define SW 4 // connect SW (switch) to pin 4 on arduino
#define CLK 3 // connect CLK (clock) to pin 3 on arduino
#define DT 2 // connect DT (determine rotation) to pin 2 on arduino
// create varialbles
Servo servo; // ??
int counter = 0; // set a counter to 0
int currentCLK; // current CLK pin status
int lastCLK; // last CLK pin status
int pinLED = 11; // connect led to pin 11
int currentLED = true; // on/off status off the led
int lastSWpress = 0; // last button press is 0
// configure arduino hardware and set variables
void setup() {
pinMode(CLK,INPUT); // set CLCK to input
pinMode(DT,INPUT); // set DT to input
pinMode(SW,INPUT_PULLUP); // set SW to input with a pullup
servo.attach(9); // servo attached to pin 9
servo.write(counter); // set the servo to the counter value (currently 0)
lastCLK = digitalRead(CLK); // set lastCLK value to current clock value
// main loop - simplified through the use of functions
void loop(){
buttonPress(); // jump to buttonPress function
if (currentLED == 0) { // if led is on …
servoControl(); // jump to servoControl function
// function to test button press (push dial) on encorder
void buttonPress() {
lastCLK = currentCLK; // set lastCLK to currentCLK
int buttonState = digitalRead(SW); // connect SW to PIN 4 on arduino
if (buttonState == LOW) { // if button pressed...
if (millis() - lastSWpress > 50) { // ???
digitalWrite(pinLED, currentLED); // toggle the led on pin 11
currentLED = !currentLED; // reverse the value to currentLED
lastSWpress = millis(); // ???
delay(1); // wait for software to catch up to hardware
// use the encoder to control the servo
void servoControl() {
currentCLK = digitalRead(CLK); // set currrentCLK to current value to clock
if (currentCLK != lastCLK && currentCLK == 1){ // if currentCLK is not equal to lastCLK and current CLK is 1
if (digitalRead(DT) != currentCLK) { // if DT is not equal to currentCLK...(rotate counter clock-wise)
counter --; // subtract 1 from counter
if (counter<0) { // if counter is less than 0
counter=0; // counter is always 0
} else { // else do this (rotate clock-wise)
counter ++; // add 1 to the counter
if (counter>179) { // if counter is greater than 179...
counter=179; // counter is always 179
servo.write(counter); // write counter value to servo and rotate
lastCLK = currentCLK; // set lastCLK to currentCLK value
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