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Created September 21, 2023 02:18
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# do some auto-tiling stuff based on simple rules
# there is probably an "n-bit autotiling" name for what I'm doing here.
def base_tile_for(cell_coord, cube_id):
cube_arr = int_to_cube(cube_id)
prefix = ["Bottom", "Top"][int(cell_coord[2])]
def comp_adj(coco):
# west, east, south, north, bottom, top
adjacency = []
for axis in [0, 1, 2]:
# check directly adjacent (this axis changes)
for delta in [-1, 1]:
delta_vec = np.array([0, 0, 0])
delta_vec[axis] = delta
cc = coco + delta_vec
adjacency.append(cube_cell_filled(cube_arr, cc))
xx, yy, zz = any(adjacency[:2]), any(adjacency[2:4]), any(adjacency[4:])
adj_count = sum(1 for v in [xx, yy, zz] if v)
# check how many in this axis's plane (only this axis stays the same):
n_in_axes = [
cube_arr[coco[0], :, :].sum(),
cube_arr[:, coco[1], :].sum(),
cube_arr[:, :, coco[2]].sum(),
return adj_count, xx, yy, zz, [n == 4 for n in n_in_axes]
adj_axes, _, _, z_adj, walls = comp_adj(cell_coord)
if any(walls):
hw, vw = walls[0] or walls[1], walls[2]
if hw and vw:
suffix = "Lip"
# if adj_axes == 3:
# suffix += ".C"
elif walls[0] and walls[1]:
suffix = "Lip.V"
if adj_axes == 2:
suffix = "Flat" if vw else "Wall"
suffix = "Lip.Bend" if vw else "Lip.Bend.V"
elif adj_axes == 3:
suffix = "Bend.HV"
elif adj_axes == 0:
suffix = "Corner"
elif adj_axes == 1:
suffix = "Edge"
suffix += ".V" if z_adj else ".H"
elif adj_axes == 2:
suffix = "Bend"
suffix += ".V" if z_adj else ".H"
raise Exception("Somehow adjacency count isn't covered..??")
return prefix + "." + suffix
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