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Last active October 10, 2022 06:14
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Socket Encoding

Allows encoding a small image with a limited number of colors into an integer.

The bit-width of a pixel in the image is ceil(log2(n_colors)).

The bit-width of a socket image int is pixel-bit-width * size^2)

This python implementation doesn't concern itself with what the bit-width of the entire integer is. Real implementations care. This is determined by the image size. I'm assuming all images are square. When I say the size is "4" I really mean "4x4"). An image with size 4 with 4 possible colors would have 16 pixels and each pixel requires 2 bytes. This means we need a 32 bit int to hold our image,

See the attached image for a visualization. The difference is that this implementation puts (0, 0) at the end of the bit-string for conveinence with <</>> operators and the fact that I don't know the bit-width of python ints.

import math
# essentially inverts the array to map val -> index
def color_map(colors: list) -> dict:
color_map = {}
for i, v in enumerate(colors):
color_map[v] = i
assert len(color_map) == len(colors) # no dupes allowed
return color_map
# maps observed colors to integers; not preferred; color_map is preferred
def color_map_from_bitmap(grid, zero="ZERO_NOT_SPECIFIED") -> dict:
colors = {}
if zero != "ZERO_NOT_SPECIFIED":
colors[zero] = 0
for x, col in enumerate(grid):
assert len(col) == len(grid) # must be square
for y, val in enumerate(col):
if val not in colors:
colors[val] = len(colors)
return colors
def bpp(n_colors: int) -> int:
return int(math.ceil(math.log2(n_colors)))
def encode_socket(grid, color_map) -> int:
n_colors = len(color_map)
size = len(grid)
bits_per_pixel = bpp(n_colors)
socket = 0
for x, col in enumerate(grid):
assert len(col) == size # must be square
for y, val in enumerate(col):
color = color_map[val]
pixel_idx = bits_per_pixel * (x + y * size)
socket = socket | (color << pixel_idx)
return socket
def decode_socket(socket: int, size: int, colors: list):
n_colors = len(color_map)
bits_per_pixel = bpp(n_colors)
max_col = int(math.pow(2, bits_per_pixel)) - 1
grid = []
for x in range(size):
for y in range(size):
pixel_idx = bits_per_pixel * (x + y * size)
color_idx = max_col & (socket >> pixel_idx)
print(format(max_col, f'#010b'), format(socket, f'#010b'), format((socket >> pixel_idx), f'#010b'))
color = colors[color_idx]
assert len(grid[x]) == size
assert len(grid) == size
return grid
if __name__ == "__main__":
colors = [None, "Red", "Blue", "Green"]
grid = [
[None, "Red"],
["Green", None],
color_map = color_map(colors)
sock = encode_socket(grid, color_map)
# print(sock, format(sock, f'#010b'))
recovered = decode_socket(sock, len(grid), colors)
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