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Created January 4, 2012 21:33
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chef:recipe > puts (:this => "that")
SyntaxError: (irb#1):38: syntax error, unexpected tASSOC, expecting ')'
puts (:this => "that")
(irb#1):38: syntax error, unexpected ')', expecting $end
chef:recipe > puts(:this => "that")
=> nil
chef:recipe > puts ({:this => "that"})
=> nil
chef:recipe > extend Chef::Mixin::ParamsValidate
=> #<Chef::Recipe:0x007fa00b167080 @cookbook_name=nil, @recipe_name=nil, @run_context=#<Chef::RunContext:0x007fa00b167968 @node=<Chef::Node:0x3fd0058b5708 @name="sdanna">, @cookbook_collection={}, @resource_collection=#<Chef::ResourceCollection:0x007fa00b167940 @resources=[<template[/Users/sdanna/.pgpass] @name: "/Users/sdanna/.pgpass" @noop: nil @before: nil @params: {} @provider: nil @allowed_actions: [:nothing, :create, :delete, :touch, :create_if_missing] @action: "create" @updated: false @updated_by_last_action: false @supports: {} @ignore_failure: false @retries: 0 @retry_delay: 2 @immediate_notifications: [] @delayed_notifications: [] @source_line: "(irb#1):8:in `irb_binding'" @resource_name: :template @path: "/Users/sdanna/.pgpass" @backup: 5 @source: "pgpass.erb" @cookbook: nil @local: false @variables: {:username=>"ids_dev", :password=>"integrity"} @cookbook_name: nil @recipe_name: nil @enclosing_provider: nil @owner: "sdanna" @group: "staff" @mode: "0600">], @resources_by_name={"template[/Users/sdanna/.pgpass]"=>0}, @insert_after_idx=nil>, @definitions={}>, @params={}, @node=<Chef::Node:0x3fd0058b5708 @name="sdanna">, @desc=nil, @explain=nil, @help_descriptions=[#<struct Shef::Extensions::Help cmd="help", desc="prints this help message", explanation="## SUMMARY ##\n When called with no argument, +help+ prints a table of all shef commands. When\n called with an argument COMMAND, +help+ prints a detailed explanation of the\n command if available, or the description if no explanation is available.\n">, #<struct Shef::Extensions::Help cmd="version", desc="prints information about chef", explanation=nil>, #<struct Shef::Extensions::Help cmd="recipe", desc="switch to recipe mode", explanation=nil>, #<struct Shef::Extensions::Help cmd="attributes", desc="switch to attributes mode", explanation=nil>, #<struct Shef::Extensions::Help cmd="run_chef", desc="run chef using the current recipe", explanation=nil>, #<struct Shef::Extensions::Help cmd="chef_run", desc="returns an object to control a paused chef run", explanation=nil>, #<struct Shef::Extensions::Help cmd="chef_run.resume", desc="resume the chef run", explanation=nil>, #<struct Shef::Extensions::Help cmd="chef_run.step", desc="run only the next resource", explanation=nil>, #<struct Shef::Extensions::Help cmd="chef_run.skip_back", desc="move back in the run list", explanation=nil>, #<struct Shef::Extensions::Help cmd="chef_run.skip_forward", desc="move forward in the run list", explanation=nil>, #<struct Shef::Extensions::Help cmd="reset", desc="resets the current recipe", explanation=nil>, #<struct Shef::Extensions::Help cmd="become_node", desc="assume the identity of another node.", explanation=nil>, #<struct Shef::Extensions::Help cmd="echo", desc="turns printout of return values on or off", explanation=nil>, #<struct Shef::Extensions::Help cmd="echo?", desc="says if echo is on or off", explanation=nil>, #<struct Shef::Extensions::Help cmd="tracing", desc="turns on or off tracing of execution. *verbose*", explanation=nil>, #<struct Shef::Extensions::Help cmd="tracing?", desc="says if tracing is on or off", explanation=nil>, #<struct Shef::Extensions::Help cmd="ls", desc="simple ls style command", explanation=nil>, #<struct Shef::Extensions::Help cmd="resources", desc="list all the resources on the current recipe", explanation=nil>], @subcommand_help={}>
chef:recipe > def try_this(args=nil)
chef:recipe ?> set_or_return(:foo, args, :kind_of => [ Hash ] )
chef:recipe ?> end
=> nil
chef:recipe > try_this :bar => "this"
=> {:bar=>"this"}
chef:recipe > try_this (:bar => "this")
SyntaxError: (irb#1):34: syntax error, unexpected tASSOC, expecting ')'
try_this (:bar => "this")
(irb#1):34: syntax error, unexpected ')', expecting $end
chef:recipe > try_this(:bar => "this")
=> {:bar=>"this"}
chef:recipe > try_this ({:bar => "this"})
=> {:bar=>"this"}
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