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Created April 6, 2016 18:09
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Serialize Python 3 cryptography RSA public key to OpenSSH format
import binascii
import struct
from cryptography import utils
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import rsa
def ssh_public_key(keypair: rsa.RSAPrivateKeyWithSerialization) -> str:
eb = utils.int_to_bytes(keypair.public_key().public_numbers().e)
nb = utils.int_to_bytes(keypair.public_key().public_numbers().n)
if eb[0] & 0x80: eb = bytes([0x00]) + eb
if nb[0] & 0x80: nb = bytes([0x00]) + nb
keyparts = [b'ssh-rsa', eb, nb]
keystring = b''.join([struct.pack(">I", len(kp)) + kp for kp in keyparts])
return str(b'ssh-rsa ' + binascii.b2a_base64(keystring)[:-1], encoding='utf-8')
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