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Forked from Hunsin/router.go
Created November 19, 2021 14:58
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The package wraps julienschmidt's httprouter, making it support functions such as middlewares, sub/group routing with same prefix. Written in Go (Golang).
package router
import (
gpath "path"
// Param returns the named URL parameter from a request context.
func Param(ctx context.Context, name string) string {
if p := httprouter.ParamsFromContext(ctx); p != nil {
return p.ByName(name)
return ""
// A Middleware chains http.Handlers.
type Middleware func(http.Handler) http.Handler
// A Router is a http.Handler which supports routing and middlewares.
type Router struct {
middlewares []Middleware
path string
root *httprouter.Router
// New creates a new Router.
func New() *Router {
return &Router{root: httprouter.New(), path: "/"}
// Group returns a new Router with given path and middlewares.
// It should be used for handlers which have same path prefix or
// common middlewares.
func (r *Router) Group(path string, m ...Middleware) *Router {
return &Router{
middlewares: append(m, r.middlewares...),
path: gpath.Join(r.path, path),
root: r.root,
// Use appends new middlewares to current Router.
func (r *Router) Use(m ...Middleware) *Router {
r.middlewares = append(m, r.middlewares...)
return r
// Handle registers a new request handler combined with middlewares.
func (r *Router) Handle(method, path string, handler http.Handler) {
for _, v := range r.middlewares {
handler = v(handler)
r.root.Handler(method, gpath.Join(r.path, path), handler)
// GET is a shortcut for r.Handle("GET", path, handler)
func (r *Router) GET(path string, handler http.HandlerFunc) {
r.Handle(http.MethodGet, path, handler)
// HEAD is a shortcut for r.Handle("HEAD", path, handler)
func (r *Router) HEAD(path string, handler http.HandlerFunc) {
r.Handle(http.MethodHead, path, handler)
// OPTIONS is a shortcut for r.Handle("OPTIONS", path, handler)
func (r *Router) OPTIONS(path string, handler http.HandlerFunc) {
r.Handle(http.MethodOptions, path, handler)
// POST is a shortcut for r.Handle("POST", path, handler)
func (r *Router) POST(path string, handler http.HandlerFunc) {
r.Handle(http.MethodPost, path, handler)
// PUT is a shortcut for r.Handle("PUT", path, handler)
func (r *Router) PUT(path string, handler http.HandlerFunc) {
r.Handle(http.MethodPut, path, handler)
// PATCH is a shortcut for r.Handle("PATCH", path, handler)
func (r *Router) PATCH(path string, handler http.HandlerFunc) {
r.Handle(http.MethodPatch, path, handler)
// DELETE is a shortcut for r.Handle("DELETE", path, handler)
func (r *Router) DELETE(path string, handler http.HandlerFunc) {
r.Handle(http.MethodDelete, path, handler)
// HandleFunc is an adapter for http.HandlerFunc.
func (r *Router) HandleFunc(method, path string, handler http.HandlerFunc) {
r.Handle(method, path, handler)
// NotFound sets the handler which is called if the request path doesn't match
// any routes. It overwrites the previous setting.
func (r *Router) NotFound(handler http.Handler) {
r.root.NotFound = handler
// Static serves files from given root directory.
func (r *Router) Static(path, root string) {
if len(path) < 10 || path[len(path)-10:] != "/*filepath" {
panic("path should end with '/*filepath' in path '" + path + "'.")
base := gpath.Join(r.path, path[:len(path)-9])
fileServer := http.StripPrefix(base, http.FileServer(http.Dir(root)))
r.Handle(http.MethodGet, path, fileServer)
// File serves the named file.
func (r *Router) File(path, name string) {
r.HandleFunc(http.MethodGet, path, func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
http.ServeFile(w, req, name)
func (r *Router) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
r.root.ServeHTTP(w, req)
package router
import (
func TestHandle(t *testing.T) {
router := New()
h := func(w http.ResponseWriter, _ *http.Request) {
router.Handle("GET", "/", http.HandlerFunc(h))
r := httptest.NewRequest("GET", "/", nil)
w := httptest.NewRecorder()
router.ServeHTTP(w, r)
if w.Code != http.StatusTeapot {
t.Error("Test Handle failed")
func TestHandleFunc(t *testing.T) {
router := New()
h := func(w http.ResponseWriter, _ *http.Request) {
router.HandleFunc("GET", "/", h)
r := httptest.NewRequest("GET", "/", nil)
w := httptest.NewRecorder()
router.ServeHTTP(w, r)
if w.Code != http.StatusTeapot {
t.Error("Test HandlerFunc failed")
func TestMethod(t *testing.T) {
router := New()
router.DELETE("/delete", func(w http.ResponseWriter, _ *http.Request) {
router.GET("/get", func(w http.ResponseWriter, _ *http.Request) {
router.HEAD("/head", func(w http.ResponseWriter, _ *http.Request) {
router.OPTIONS("/options", func(w http.ResponseWriter, _ *http.Request) {
router.PATCH("/patch", func(w http.ResponseWriter, _ *http.Request) {
router.POST("/post", func(w http.ResponseWriter, _ *http.Request) {
router.PUT("/put", func(w http.ResponseWriter, _ *http.Request) {
samples := map[string]string{
"DELETE": "/delete",
"GET": "/get",
"HEAD": "/head",
"OPTIONS": "/options",
"PATCH": "/patch",
"POST": "/post",
"PUT": "/put",
for method, path := range samples {
r := httptest.NewRequest(method, path, nil)
w := httptest.NewRecorder()
router.ServeHTTP(w, r)
if w.Code != http.StatusTeapot {
t.Errorf("Path %s not registered", path)
func TestGroup(t *testing.T) {
router := New()
foo := router.Group("/foo")
bar := router.Group("/bar")
baz := foo.Group("/baz")
foo.HandleFunc("GET", "", func(w http.ResponseWriter, _ *http.Request) {
foo.HandleFunc("GET", "/group", func(w http.ResponseWriter, _ *http.Request) {
bar.HandleFunc("GET", "/group", func(w http.ResponseWriter, _ *http.Request) {
baz.HandleFunc("GET", "/group", func(w http.ResponseWriter, _ *http.Request) {
samples := []string{"/foo", "/foo/group", "/foo/baz/group", "/bar/group"}
for _, path := range samples {
r := httptest.NewRequest("GET", path, nil)
w := httptest.NewRecorder()
router.ServeHTTP(w, r)
if w.Code != http.StatusTeapot {
t.Errorf("Grouped path %s not registered", path)
func TestMiddleware(t *testing.T) {
var use, group bool
router := New().Use(func(next http.Handler) http.Handler {
return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
use = true
next.ServeHTTP(w, r)
foo := router.Group("/foo", func(next http.Handler) http.Handler {
return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
group = true
next.ServeHTTP(w, r)
foo.HandleFunc("GET", "/bar", func(w http.ResponseWriter, _ *http.Request) {
r := httptest.NewRequest("GET", "/foo/bar", nil)
w := httptest.NewRecorder()
router.ServeHTTP(w, r)
if !use {
t.Error("Middleware registered by Use() under \"/\" not touched")
if !group {
t.Error("Middleware registered by Group() under \"/foo\" not touched")
func TestStatic(t *testing.T) {
files := []string{"temp_1", "temp_2"}
strs := []string{"test content", "static contents"}
for i := range files {
f, _ := os.Create(files[i])
defer os.Remove(files[i])
pwd, _ := os.Getwd()
router := New()
router.Static("/*filepath", pwd)
for i := range files {
r := httptest.NewRequest("GET", "/"+files[i], nil)
w := httptest.NewRecorder()
router.ServeHTTP(w, r)
body := w.Result().Body
defer body.Close()
file, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(body)
if string(file) != strs[i] {
t.Error("Test Static failed")
func TestFile(t *testing.T) {
str := "test_content"
f, _ := os.Create("temp_file")
defer os.Remove("temp_file")
router := New()
router.File("/file", "temp_file")
r := httptest.NewRequest("GET", "/file", nil)
w := httptest.NewRecorder()
router.ServeHTTP(w, r)
body := w.Result().Body
defer body.Close()
file, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(body)
if string(file) != str {
t.Error("Test File failed")
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