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# Name: ImportTestUsers.ps1
# Author: Israel Vega (Adjusted for JSON by Steven Follis)
# Version: 1.0
# Date: 06/08/2011
# Comment: Create test users from a JSON array for import into an AD
# Specify number of sample users to generate between 1-5000
[int] $NumberUsers = 1,
# Specify the target OU for new users
[string] $TargetOU = "CN=Users,DC=contoso,DC=local"
# Import the Active Directory Powershell Module
Import-Module ActiveDirectory -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
# Change these values
# Password for all users
$password = ConvertTo-SecureString "Docker123!" -AsPlainText -Force
# Script below
# Function to test existence of AD object
function Test-XADObject() {
[CmdletBinding(ConfirmImpact = "Low")]
Param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
Position = 0,
ValueFromPipeline = $true,
HelpMessage = "Identity if the AD object exists or not."
[Object] $Identity
trap [Exception] {
return $false
$auxObject = Get-ADObject -Identity $Identity
return $true
# Check the params
if (!(1..5000 -contains $NumberUsers)) {
Write-Error "The number has to be more than 1 and less than 5000"
# Find the current domain info
$domDns = (Get-ADDomain).dnsroot # for UPN generation
# Check if the target OU is valid
$validOU = Test-XADObject $TargetOU
if (!$validOU) {
write-host "Error: Specified OU for new users does not exist - exiting...."
# Create groups
$Groups = @("Engineering", "Operations")
foreach ($Group in $Groups) {
# Check if group already exists
$groupExists = Get-ADGroup -Filter {(SamAccountName -eq $Group)}
if ($groupExists -eq $null) {
Write-Host "Group not found. Creating new group $Group"
New-ADGroup -Name "$Group Members" `
-SamAccountName $Group `
-GroupCategory Security `
-GroupScope Global `
-DisplayName $Group `
-Path $TargetOU `
-Description "Members of this group work within $Group"
else {
Write-Host "Group already exists named $Group"
# Retrieve sample users from API and store as JSON
$sampleUsers = Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -Uri ",gb&results=$($NumberUsers)&format=json&noinfo" | ConvertFrom-Json
# Count new users that are created
$newUsers = 0
# Loop through the returned sample users
foreach ($user in $sampleUsers.results) {
# Map user attributes to variables
$displayName = (Get-Culture).TextInfo.ToTitleCase($ + " " + $
$samName = "$($".Substring(0, 1) + $($
$surname = (Get-Culture).TextInfo.ToTitleCase($
$givenName = (Get-Culture).TextInfo.ToTitleCase($
$upnName = "$samName" + "@" + "$domDns"
# Check if user already exists
$userExists = Get-ADUser -Filter {(userPrincipalName -eq $upnName)}
if ($userExists -eq $null) {
Write-Host "User not found. Creating new user $upnName"
# Create new AD User
New-ADUser -Name $displayName `
-SamAccountName $samName `
-DisplayName $displayName `
-GivenName $givenName `
-Surname $surname `
-UserPrincipalName $upnName `
-Path $TargetOU `
-Enabled $true `
-ChangePasswordAtLogon $false `
-AccountPassword $password
# Add user to a random group
$GroupID = Get-Random -Minimum 0 -Maximum $Groups.Length
Add-ADGroupMember $Groups[$GroupID] $samName
# Iterate counter
# Handle Error
trap [Exception] {
write-Error "An error occured::$_.Exception.Message. Exiting."
else {
Write-Host "User $upnName exists. Skipping"
Write-Host "Created $newUsers test users."
# Create a reader account for searching via LDAP
$readerExists = Get-ADUser -Filter {(userPrincipalName -eq "reader@contoso.local")}
if ($readerExists -eq $null) {
Write-Host "Creating reader account"
New-ADUser -Name "reader" `
-SamAccountName "reader" `
-DisplayName "reader" `
-UserPrincipalName "reader@$domDns" `
-Path $TargetOU `
-Enabled $true `
-ChangePasswordAtLogon $false `
-AccountPassword $password
# Handle Error
trap [Exception] {
write-Error "An error occured::$_.Exception.Message. Exiting."
else {
Write-Host "Account for reader already exists"
# Finished
Write-Host "Completed sample user generation"
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