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Created May 15, 2014 15:30
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allowed unicode identifiers in Julia
I would suggest at least: ⅀∂∇∆∏∐∑∞∟∫∬∭∮∯∰∱∲∳⊾♯⦰⦱⦲⦳⦴⨊⨋⨌⨍⨎⨏⨐⨑⨒⨓⨔⨕⨖⨛⨜𝛁𝛛𝛻𝜕𝜵𝝏𝝯𝞉𝞩𝟃
and probably the various "angle" symbols too: ∠∡∢⦛⦜⦝⦞⦟⦠⦡⦢⦣⦤⦥⦦⦧⦨⦩⦪⦫⦬⦭⦮⦯
(I guess things like √ and ∛ should be unary prefix operators and are handled separately.)
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