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Last active March 3, 2020 03:47
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Using pyenv
# Step 1: Install pyenv
curl -L | bash
# This will output some instructions to add a few lines to
# your ~/.bash_profile file. Once you've done that
# then open a new terminal window to continue.
# Step 2: Install some versions of Python
# This will take a few minutes
pyenv install 3.6.3
pyenv install 2.7.14
pyenv rehash # or open a new terminal window again
# Step 3: Set your global default version of Python
# This will make "python" and "python3" run Python 3.6.3
# "python2" can be used to run Python 2.7.14
pyenv global 3.6.3 2.7.14
# Step 1: Create a virtualenv with your project name
pyenv virtualenv pyquil
# Step 2: Set this virtualenv to be the default for the project
pyenv local pyquil
# Done! This creates a ".python-version" file in your project
# Now, whenever you cd into the directoy, pyenv will automagically
# switch to that environment
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