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stevenjackson /
Created December 7, 2016 15:45
Agile Efficiency

"Today I read the statement, "It's hard to achieve agility with efficiency", and wondered, "is that a reasonable objective?" - Thoughts?" - @DocOnDev

I've given this a lot of thought in an unlikely context: home maintenance.

I have two young kids, so it's not realistic that I'll get an uninterrupted daylight hour on the weekend. Yet, there is a pile of stuff I want to get done. If I apply a slice and dice mentality, I can accomplish most things, but I'm always grossly inefficient. For instance, this weekend I wanted to hang lights. It's annoyingly inefficient to pack and unpack the ladder multiple times, yet I have to do it, because I can't be sure I'll be able to get back to it. Also I'd like to test-drive my lights (since my "normal" feedback loop might be days long). If I hang "the most valuable" section, I need a very long extension cord. To reach those lights, I'll also have to leave this cord in an obvious and "ugly" place.

So my observations are that that agile/incremental/verifiable work req

stevenjackson /
Last active November 12, 2016 02:31
Code: Debugging the Gender Gap

"The jobs are here, we don't have the workers to fill them"


  • It was good, I'm glad I saw it. I'm not sure who the intended audience was, sometimes young women, sometimes corporate leaders?
  • The first half of it didn't keep my attention, but it's a nice intro if you don't understand why this is important and the importance of women to the field.
  • The second half was much more powerful to me, more current examples of women trying to fight "the man" and why it's hard.
  • They touched lightly on solutions, but it was kinda disappointing. Fight stereotypes, create more role models.
  • The only solution presented for a company: Spend lots of money, recruit out of bootcamps, grow talent, fight to retain.
  • for more.
stevenjackson / functional_query.rb
Last active October 9, 2016 02:12 — forked from searls/market_research.rb
Was chatting with @mfeathers about retaining Ruby's chained Enumerable style, but finding a way to inject names that reflects the application domain (as opposed to just littering functional operations everywhere, which may be seen as a sort of Primitive Obsession)
module FunctionalQuery
def initialize(collection)
@collection = collection
def result
def average_by_attr(attr)
stevenjackson / gist:5088077
Created March 5, 2013 04:44
Highlight for keynote pres
pbpaste | highlight --syntax=rb -O rtf high.rb | pbcopy
stevenjackson / gist:4225614
Created December 6, 2012 16:06 — forked from joelbyler/gist:4225565
Cucumber Rerun Rake Task
require 'cucumber/rake/task'
def run_rake_task(name)
rescue Exception => e
return false
stevenjackson / gist:4166636
Created November 29, 2012 03:36
Create a hash of a symbol and method result (used for property like syntax in ruby files, where symbols are define_method'd as accessors
hash_syms :yo, :foo
def hash_syms(*args)
hash = {}
args.each do |arg|
hash[arg.to_sym] = self.send "#{arg}"
p hash
stevenjackson / select_option_parsing
Created November 12, 2012 22:22
Getting option index off a select in page_object/watir environment - use with invisible selects
#Page object way
(rdb:1) option_index = pay_type_element.options.find_index{ |e| e.text == 'Credit card' }
#Watir-webdriver ways
(rdb:1) option_index = pay_type_element.option(:value, "Credit card").index
*** You are calling a method named option at /Users/stevejackson/projects/cucumber-and-cheese/test_puppies/features/support/pages/checkout_page.rb:16:in `checkout'.