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Last active December 5, 2015 17:08
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  • Save stevenkword/3fddb336e073798a58ee to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save stevenkword/3fddb336e073798a58ee to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
* test the RSS 2.0 feed by generating a feed, parsing it, and checking that the
* parsed contents match the contents of the posts stored in the database. Since
* we're using a real XML parser, this confirms that the feed is valid, well formed,
* and contains the right stuff.
* @group feed
class Tests_Feed_RSS2 extends WP_UnitTestCase {
static $user_id;
static $posts;
private $error_message;
public static function wpSetUpBeforeClass( $factory ) {
self::$user_id = $factory->user->create();
self::$posts = $factory->post->create_many( 5, array(
'post_author' => self::$user_id,
) );
public static function wpTearDownAfterClass() {
self::delete_user( self::$user_id );
foreach ( self::$posts as $post ) {
wp_delete_post( $post, true );
public function setUp() {
$this->post_count = get_option('posts_per_rss');
$this->excerpt_only = get_option('rss_use_excerpt');
// this seems to break something
update_option('use_smilies', false);
function do_rss2() {
// nasty hack
global $post;
try {
@require(ABSPATH . 'wp-includes/feed-rss2.php');
$out = ob_get_clean();
} catch (Exception $e) {
$out = ob_get_clean();
return $out;
function test_invalid_feeds() {
add_filter( 'wp_die_handler', array( $this, 'wp_feed_die_handler' ) );
$this->error_message = '';
$this->go_to( content_url( 'feed/' ) );
$this->assertEmpty( $feed );
$this->assertEmpty( $this->error_message );
$this->assertEquals( 'ERROR: This is not a valid feed.', $this->error_message );
unset( $feed );
function wp_feed_die_handler( $message ) {
remove_filter( 'wp_die_handler', array( $this, 'wp_feed_die_handler' ) );
$this->error_message = $message;
function test_rss() {
$this->go_to( '/?feed=rss2' );
$feed = $this->do_rss2();
$xml = xml_to_array($feed);
// get the rss element
$rss = xml_find($xml, 'rss');
// there should only be one rss element
$this->assertEquals(1, count($rss));
$this->assertEquals('2.0', $rss[0]['attributes']['version']);
$this->assertEquals('', $rss[0]['attributes']['xmlns:content']);
$this->assertEquals('', $rss[0]['attributes']['xmlns:wfw']);
$this->assertEquals('', $rss[0]['attributes']['xmlns:dc']);
// rss should have exactly one child element (channel)
$this->assertEquals(1, count($rss[0]['child']));
function test_channel() {
$this->go_to( '/?feed=rss2' );
$feed = $this->do_rss2();
$xml = xml_to_array($feed);
// get the rss -> channel element
$channel = xml_find($xml, 'rss', 'channel');
$title = xml_find($xml, 'rss', 'channel', 'title');
$this->assertEquals(get_option('blogname'), $title[0]['content']);
$desc = xml_find($xml, 'rss', 'channel', 'description');
$this->assertEquals(get_option('blogdescription'), $desc[0]['content']);
$link = xml_find($xml, 'rss', 'channel', 'link');
$this->assertEquals(get_option('siteurl'), $link[0]['content']);
$pubdate = xml_find($xml, 'rss', 'channel', 'lastBuildDate');
$this->assertEquals(strtotime(get_lastpostmodified()), strtotime($pubdate[0]['content']));
* @ticket UT32
function test_items() {
$this->go_to( '/?feed=rss2' );
$feed = $this->do_rss2();
$xml = xml_to_array($feed);
// get all the rss -> channel -> item elements
$items = xml_find( $xml, 'rss', 'channel', 'item' );
// check each of the items against the known post data
foreach ( $items as $key => $item ) {
// Get post for comparison
$guid = xml_find( $items[$key]['child'], 'guid' );
preg_match( '/\?p=(\d+)/', $guid[0]['content'], $matches );
$post = get_post( $matches[1] );
// title
$title = xml_find( $items[$key]['child'], 'title' );
$this->assertEquals( $post->post_title, $title[0]['content'] );
// link
$link = xml_find( $items[$key]['child'], 'link' );
$this->assertEquals( get_permalink( $post ), $link[0]['content'] );
// comment link
$comments_link = xml_find( $items[$key]['child'], 'comments' );
$this->assertEquals( get_permalink( $post) . '#respond', $comments_link[0]['content'] );
// pub date
$pubdate = xml_find( $items[$key]['child'], 'pubDate' );
$this->assertEquals( strtotime( $post->post_date_gmt ), strtotime( $pubdate[0]['content'] ) );
// author
$creator = xml_find( $items[$key]['child'], 'dc:creator' );
$user = new WP_User( $post->post_author );
$this->assertEquals( $user->user_login, $creator[0]['content'] );
// categories (perhaps multiple)
$categories = xml_find( $items[$key]['child'], 'category' );
$cats = array();
foreach ( get_the_category( $post->ID ) as $term ) {
$cats[] = $term->name;
$tags = get_the_tags( $post->ID );
if ( $tags ) {
foreach ( get_the_tags( $post->ID ) as $term ) {
$cats[] = $term->name;
$cats = array_filter( $cats );
// should be the same number of categories
$this->assertEquals( count( $cats ), count( $categories ) );
// ..with the same names
foreach ( $cats as $id => $cat ) {
$this->assertEquals( $cat, $categories[$id]['content']);
$guid = xml_find( $items[$key]['child'], 'guid' );
$this->assertEquals('false', $guid[0]['attributes']['isPermaLink'] );
$this->assertEquals( $post->guid, $guid[0]['content'] );
// description/excerpt
if ( !empty( $post->post_excerpt ) ) {
$description = xml_find( $items[$key]['child'], 'description' );
$this->assertEquals( trim( $post->post_excerpt ), trim( $description[0]['content'] ) );
// post content
if ( !$this->excerpt_only ) {
$content = xml_find( $items[$key]['child'], 'content:encoded' );
$this->assertEquals( trim( apply_filters( 'the_content', $post->post_content ) ), trim( $content[0]['content'] ) );
// comment rss
$comment_rss = xml_find( $items[$key]['child'], 'wfw:commentRss' );
$this->assertEquals( html_entity_decode( get_post_comments_feed_link( $post->ID) ), $comment_rss[0]['content'] );
* @ticket 9134
function test_items_comments_closed() {
add_filter( 'comments_open', '__return_false' );
$this->go_to( '/?feed=rss2' );
$feed = $this->do_rss2();
$xml = xml_to_array($feed);
// get all the rss -> channel -> item elements
$items = xml_find( $xml, 'rss', 'channel', 'item' );
// check each of the items against the known post data
foreach ( $items as $key => $item ) {
// Get post for comparison
$guid = xml_find( $items[$key]['child'], 'guid' );
preg_match( '/\?p=(\d+)/', $guid[0]['content'], $matches );
$post = get_post( $matches[1] );
// comment link
$comments_link = xml_find( $items[ $key ]['child'], 'comments' );
$this->assertEmpty( $comments_link );
// comment rss
$comment_rss = xml_find( $items[ $key ]['child'], 'wfw:commentRss' );
$this->assertEmpty( $comment_rss );
remove_filter( 'comments_open', '__return_false' );
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