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Last active June 3, 2016 15:08
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fundamentals of design

Two types of color:

  • subtractive: "color you can touch" (e.g., skin of an apple)
    • controlled by CMYK colorspace
  • additive: "color you can't touch" (e.g., light from a computer screen)
    • controlled by RBG colorspace

Humans process color in HSL (Hue, Saturation, Lightness):

  • best visualized as a colorwheel:
    • hue is measured in degrees (red: 0º, green: 120º, blue: 240º)
    • saturation goes from 0 to 100% where 0% is grey and 100% is as vivid as possible
    • lightness goes from 0 to 100% where 0% is black, 50% is the most vibrant form of the hue, and 100% is white.


  • Contrast of Hue: two colors have the same S and L but vary in H
  • Contrast of Saturation: H and L remain constant
  • Contrast of Lightness: H and S remain constant
  • Most contrasts are multi-faceted (combinations of the above contrasts)
  • The WCAG2 (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) standardize how much contrast there needs to be for accessibility purposes


  • L is lightness; at 100% the color is white
  • B is brightness; at 100% the color is as vivid as possible

Color Schemes

Western interpretations of colors:

  • Red:
    • color of heat, excitement or passion
  • Orange:
    • warmth, vitality, reliability, playfulness
  • Yellow:
    • optimism creativity sunshine cheer hapiness
  • Green:
    • serenity health growth nature freshness
  • Blue:
    • security truth stability loyalty reliability open communication
  • Purple:
    • spirituality intelligence wealth -- royal sentimental creative sophisticated
  • Pink:
    • youthful intensity energy fun excitement
  • Brown:
    • durability class (age stability relaxation)
  • Black:
    • power drama (serious bold strong)
  • White:
    • simplicity cleanliness (youthful mild pure)

Monochromatic Color Schemes:

  • all have the same hue
  • vary their S and L (saturation and lightness)
  • easiest to create but lack versatility


  • varies S and L
  • but hue increases and decreases


  • includes a base hue and the hue opposite to it on the colorwheel (180º away)
  • varies S and L

Font styles (and classes)

  • Humanist:
    • emulates caligraphy
    • serif:
      • some contrast in the strokes
      • good for journalism or historical
    • sans:
      • minimal contrast in the strokes
      • good for education or finance or government
  • Transitional:
    • serif:
      • sharper serif and more contrasting strokes than Humanist
      • good for academia or legal
    • sans:
      • upright or uniform characters
      • strong strokes
      • good for tech or transport
  • Modern:
    • serif:
      • very thin horizontal serif
      • high contrast between strokes
      • good for arts or culture
    • sans:
  • Egyptian (Slab):
    • serif:
      • heavy boxy serifs
      • almost no contrast in the stroke
      • good for marketing or promotional
  • Geometric:
    • sans:
      • geometric shapes form the backbones of the letters
      • good for science or architecture

Design suggestions when mixing fonts:

  1. Avoid choosing 2 fonts from the same style. E.g., Epic (humanist serif) and Garamond (humanist serif)
  • this is a lot like clashing colors.
  1. Avoid choosing 2 fonts from the same class. E.g., Epic (humanist serif) and Agora (slab serif).
  2. When mixing classes, find a a similar trait. E.g., Epic and Myriad are both humanist style fonts.
  3. Strive for contrast over harmony:
  • either keep it the same or change it a lot.

Style guide (formulation and suggestions):

Your style guide prototypes the copy of your site. It should demonstrate what the following elements look like:

  • Headline Text (~ 260-300% size of Body copy)
  • B-Head (or Sub-Head) Text (~ 150% size of Body copy)
  • Nav items (100% size of Body copy)
  • Body copy (suggest at 16px but isn't set in stone)
    • Leading -- the distance between lines -- should be demonstrated in here.
    • Good leading is ~ 120-150% size of body copy
    • Line width is measured in Characters Per Line (CPL) and 50-70 CPL is ideal.
  • Byline (e.g. a footer) text (~ 75% size of Body copy -- maybe 2-4px smaller)

Save the widows and orphans:

  • Widows are single words in a line
  • Orphans are single lines in a column or page

Tweak font size, leading, and line width to avoid widows and orphans as much as possible. At the very least, endeavor to make headings widow free.


  • Leading is controlled with line-height and the value is relative to font-size. Hence, line-height: 1.5; will yield acceptable leading.
  • CPL can be controlled with max-width. E.g., with a font-size: 26px; and a window of 1000px, setting max-width: 630px; will keep the CPL to 55-65.

Headline Text

B-Head (Or Sub-Head) Text

Nav Item 1 | Nav Item 2 | ...

This is body copy. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,...

Byline Text...

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