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Last active June 8, 2016 14:29
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Sass basics
- elem1 { elem2 { ... } }
has the effect of compiling to elem1 elem2 { ... }
- .class1 { &.class2 { ... } }
compiles to .class1.class2 { ... }
- .class1 { .class2 & { ... } }
compiles to .class2 .class1 { ... }
nav {
h1 {
text-decoration: underline;
&.class {
color: #313131;
content & {
color: green;
/* variables:
- prefixed with $
- can take
+ booleans
+ numbers (with or without units)
+ colors (named, rbga, hexadecimal)
+ strings (w or w/o quotes)
+ lists (comma separate or not)
+ null
- scoped within { } -- changes are global, though.
- interpolation with #{$variable}
$base: #777777;
$side: top;
.sidebar {
border: 1px solid $base; // color is still #7777
p {
$base: #888;
color: $base; // color is #888
h1 {
color: $base; // color is #888
sup {
#{$side}: -0.5em; // top: -0.5em
.callout-#{$side} { // .callout-top
background: #888;
// Mixins:
// copy the 'button' styling inside the .btn-a and .btn-b selectors
// using the specified parameter as a means to modify the `background` property.
@mixin button($color: #777) {
border: 1px solid #ccc;
font-size: 1em;
background: $color;
.btn-a { @include button(#999); } // pass in regular value
.btn-b { @include button($color: #888); } // pass in keyword-value argument
// for variadic mixins, use $val...
@mixin transition($val...) {
-webkit-transition: $val;
.btn-a {
@include transition(color 0.3s ease-in, background 0.5s ease-out);
// the ... operator can spread out list variable as well. E.g,
@mixin button($radius, $color) {
border-radius: $radius;
color: $color;
$properties: 4px, #000;
.btn-a {
@include button($properties...);
/* @extend -- extensions -- do exactly what they sound like:
they allow a selection to extend another selection.
.btn-a {
background: #777;
font-size: 1em;
.btn-b {
@extend .btn-a;
background: #ff0;
.sidebar .btn-a {
text-transform: lowercase;
// the above will also generate a selector for .sidebar .btn-b
// since .btn-b extends .btn-a!
// to avoid this, we can use % -- placeholders:
%btn {
background: #777;
font-size: 1em;
.btn-a {
@extend %btn;
.btn-b {
@extend .btn;
background: #ff0;
.sidebar .btn-a {
text-transform: lowercase;
// this no longer generates .sidebar .btn-b selection
// functions:
@function fluidize($target, $context) {
@return $target/$context * 100%;
p {
width: fluidize(100px, 350px);
// if -- have ==, !=, >, >=, <. <= as comparators
$theme: dark;
header {
@if $theme == dark {
background: #000;
} @else if $theme == pink {
background: pink;
} @else {
background: #fff;
// each:
$authors: nick aimee dan drew;
@each $author in $authors {
.author-#{$author} { color: #fff; }
// for:
.item {
position: absolute;
right: 0;
@for $i from 1 through 3 {
&.time-#{$i} { top: $i * 30px; }
// while:
$i: 1;
.item {
@while $i < 4 {
&.time-#{$i} { top: $i * 30px; }
$i: $i + 1;
/* When to use?
- Similar sets of propreties used multiple times with small variations
- Sets of properties that match _exactly_
- Commonly-used operations to determine values
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