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Last active June 8, 2016 18:27
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React notes
// React components must extend the React.Component Class
// and therefore expose a render method, which returns
// JSX (JavaScript XML).
// JSX looks exactly like unquoted HTML, except that
// - the HTML 'class' attribute is referenced via 'className'
// - we can mix in javascript via code blocks enclosed in {}
// - we can send arguments ('props' in React) to components:
// + props are accessed via the `this.props` object
// - we can access state with (`this.state`)
class Comment extends React.Component {
render () {
<div className="comment">
<p className="comment-header">{}</p>
<p className="comment-body">{this.props.body}</p>
<div className="comment-footer">
<a href="#" onClick={this._handleDelete.bind(this)} className="comment-footer-delete">
Delete comment
_handleDelete(event) {
if (confirm('Are you sure?')) {
// this now allows us to define a <Comment/> react component in our JSX and
// - pass props to it
// - change code according to state (we'll need a constructor to handle state defaults)
class CommentBox extends React.Component {
constructor() {
super(); // must be first line called in a constructor
this.state = {
showComments: false,
comments: [ ] // initialize this to something empty that we'll populate later
render () {
const comments = this._getComments();
let commentNodes;
let buttonText = 'Show comments';
if (this.state.showComments) {
buttonText = 'Hide comments';
commentNodes = <div className="comment-list">{comments}</div>;
<button onClick={this._handleClick.bind(this)}>{buttonText}</button>
<div className="comment-box">
<CommentForm addComment={this._addComment.bind(this)} />
<h4 className="comment-count">{this._getCommentsTitle(comments.length)}</h4>
// this gets called BEFORE component is rendered
componentWillMount() {
// this is called just AFTER component is rendered
componentDidMount() {
// poll the server every 5s...
// To avoid memory leaks, capture the timer and unmount it later
this._time = setInterval(
() => this._fetchComments(),
// this is called when component is ABOUT TO BE REMOVED
componentWillUnmount() {
// pass this to the <Comment /> to communicate results
_deleteComment(comment) {
someDeleteMethod( // don't set up a callback or wait for confirmation of deletion
// remove the passed in comment, client-side
const comments = [...this.state.comments]; // use ...-operator and [] to clone array
const commentIndex = comments.indexOf(comment);
comments.splice(commentIndex, 1);
this.setSate({ comments }); // for a UI update
// calling this function in render() will create an infinite loop, since
// render is always called after this.setState()
_fetchComments() {
someGetRequest(comments => this.setState({ comments }) ) // could use jQuery.ajax or whatever to fetch the comments
_addComment(author, body) { // this is passed to and called from the <CommentForm />
const comment = {author, body};
makePostRequest(newcomment => {
// the successful post request should return an object with a unique key
// use concat instead of push to avoid mutating the comments array; it helps react stay fast
this.setState({ comments: this.state.comments.concat([comment]) });
_handleClick() {
// calling setState forces the component to re-render...
showComments: !this.state.showComments // this will modify ONLY the showComments property
_getCommentsTitle (commentCount) {
if (commentCount === 0) {
return 'No comments yet';
} else if (commentCount === 1) {
return '1 comment';
} else {
return `${commentCount} comments`;
_getComments () { // underscored functions distinguish custom vs. react methods
return => {
// good practice to pass in a unique value as a components key -- can help improve performance
onDelete={this._deleteComment.bind(this)} /> // bind the scope of _deleteComment to this environment
// create a CommentForm component that demonstates _refs_:
// Refs allow us to reference DOM elements in our code, after the component has been rendered.
// NOTE: react runs the ref call backs on render()
class CommentForm extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
<form className="comment-form" onSubmit={this._handleSubmit.bind(this)}>
<label>Join the discussion</label>
<div className="comment-form-fields">
<input placeholder="Name:" ref={(input) => this._author = input}/>
<textarea placeholder="Comment:" ref={(textarea) => this._body = textarea}>
<div className="comment-form-actions">
<button type="submit">
Post comment
_handleSubmit(event) {
event.preventDefault(); // prevent page from reloading, when form is submitted.
// grab information populated from refs in JSX
let author = this._author;
let body = this._body;
this.props.addComment(author.value, body.value); // this method has been passed as an argument to <CommentForm/>
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There's also component lifecycle methods that dictate when certain remote calls should be made.

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