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Last active September 22, 2016 17:17
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const gulp = require('gulp');
const jshint = require('gulp-jshint');
const jsValidate = require('gulp-jsvalidate');
const exec = require('child_process').exec;
const map = require('map-stream');
const notifier = require('node-notifier');
const path = require('path');
const paths = {
'scripts': ['public/scripts/*.js']
var notificator = function ( config ) {
return map(function ( file, cb ) {
if ( ! file.jshint.success ) {
var errors = [];
var warnings = [];
var codes = { W: 0, E: 0 };
var codesFun = { W: function(result) {
if ( warnings.length <= 3 ) {
// console.log(result.error.line);
warnings.push(result.file + ': line '+ result.error.line +
' col ' + result.error.character +
', ' + result.error.raw) ;
}, E: function(result){
if ( errors.length <= 3 ) {
// console.log(result.error.line);
errors.push(result.file + ': line '+ result.error.line +
' col ' + result.error.character +
', ' + result.error.raw) ;
} };
(file.jshint.results||[]).forEach(function( result ) {
var code = result.error.code[0];
// console.log(code);
var displayNotification = function(code, arr) {
var image = {
'W' : ['Warnings', '/assets/img/gulp.png'],
'E' : ['Errors', '/assets/img/gulp-error.png']
// console.log(code, arr);
var arrStr = arr.join('\n');
'title': "JShint "+ image[code][0] + ": "+ codes[code],
'message': arrStr,
'icon' : path.join(__dirname, image[code][1] )
if ( codes['E'] > 0 ) { displayNotification('E', errors); }
if ( codes['W'] > 0 ) { displayNotification('W', warnings); }
cb(null, file);
var scripts = function (event) {
// if ( typeof event !== "object" ) { return gulp.src; }
var type = event.type;
var gulpath = event.path || paths.scripts;
if (type === 'changed') {
return gulp.src( gulpath )
.pipe( jshint() )
.pipe( jshint.reporter('default') )
.pipe( notificator() );
return gulp.src(gulpath);
gulp.task('scripts', scripts);
gulp.task('watch', function(){
var watcher = paths.scripts );
watcher.on('change', scripts);
gulp.task('default', ['watch', 'scripts']);
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