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Last active February 17, 2022 15:25
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Save stevenswafford/856388bc3eb16bf1ca5d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This tool helps you to find hack attempts within webserver log files (e.g. Apache2 access logs).
# Description:
# This tool helps you to find hack attempts
# within webserver log files (e.g. Apache2 access logs).
# Features:
# - Error handling
# - Scan a log file for four different attack types
# - Display a short scan report
# - Write scan results to a new log file
# - Easy to use (everything is simple and automated
# Usage example:
# -file vhost_access.log
# Known issue:
# XSS attempt discovery feature can be a little bit buggy.
# Disclaimer:
# I am not responsible if this script or you cause any damage
# to your system. The memory consumption can become
# quite large and the generated reports very huge. So be sure
# you know what you are doing. I highly recommend you
# download your log files on a separate machine and
# analyze these files there.
# I know that there are much better tools, but well, I do
# this for learning and fun =)
# Attention: Tool is far away from being perfect, so don't rely a 100 percent on it.
# A BIG "Thank you!" to all who publish their awesome Python
# scripts online and help other ppl learning this language.
# Modify, distribute, share and copy this code in any way you like!
# Power to the cows!
import sys, string, re, time
from time import strftime, localtime
def print_usage():
print ""
print ""
print "[!] Use parameter --help for help!"
print ""
print ""
def print_help():
print ""
print "The Simple Log File Analyzer helps you to find"
print "common hack attempts within your webserver log."
print ""
print "Supported attacks:"
print " - SQL Injection"
print " - Local File Inclusion"
print " - Remote File Inclusion"
print " - Cross-Site Scripting"
print ""
print "This scanner doesn't find everything so don't"
print "rely on it!"
print ""
print "Usage example:"
print " -file vhost_access.log"
print ""
print "Options:"
print " -file <file> (starts the main analyzing function"
print " --help (displays this text)"
print ""
print "Features:"
print " - Error handling"
print " - Scan a log file for four different attack types"
print " - Display a short scan report"
print " - Write scan results to a new log file"
print " - Easy to use (everything is simple and automated)"
print ""
print "Additional information:"
print "I only tested this tool with Apache2 log files (up to 2000 lines)."
print "It may happen that the tool crashes when the provided log"
print "file is too big or contains too many lines/characters."
print "Scanning a 4000 lines log file only takes one second."
print ""
print "Hint: The XSS discovery feature is a little bit buggy."
print ""
print ""
def print_banner():
print ""
# Define the function for analyzing log files
def analyze_log_file(provided_file):
# Defining some important vars
sqli_found_list = {}
lfi_found_list = {}
rfi_found_list = {}
xss_found_list = {}
# I know, there are better methods for doing/defining this...
sql_injection_1 = "UNION"
sql_injection_2 = "ORDER"
sql_injection_3 = "GROUP"
local_file_inclusion_1 = "/etc/passwd"
local_file_inclusion_2 = "/etc/passwd%20"
local_file_inclusion_3 = "=../"
remote_file_inclusion_1 = "c99"
remote_file_inclusion_2 = "=http://"
cross_site_scripting_1 = "XSS"
cross_site_scripting_2 = "alert"
cross_site_scripting_3 = "String.fromCharCode"
cross_site_scripting_4 = "iframe"
cross_site_scripting_5 = "javascript"
print "[i] >>", provided_file
print "[i] Assuming you provided a readable log file."
print "[i] Trying to open the log file now."
print ""
# Opening the log file
f = open(provided_file, "r")
except IOError:
print "[!] The file doesn't exist."
print "[!] Exiting now!"
print ""
print "[i] Opening the log file was successfull."
print "[i] Moving on now..."
print ""
# Storing every single line in a list
line_list = [line for line in f]
max_lines = len(line_list)
print "[i] The file contains", max_lines, "lines."
print "[i] Now looking for possible hack attempts..."
# Viewing every single line
for x in xrange(1, max_lines):
current_line = line_list[x:x+1]
# For some strange list behaviour we convert the list into a string
current_line_string = "".join(current_line)
# Search for SQL injections
find_sql_injection_1 = re.findall(sql_injection_1, current_line_string)
if len(find_sql_injection_1) != 0:
sqli_found_list[x+1] = current_line_string
find_sql_injection_2 = re.findall(sql_injection_2, current_line_string)
if len(find_sql_injection_2) != 0:
sqli_found_list[x+1] = current_line_string
find_sql_injection_3 = re.findall(sql_injection_3, current_line_string)
if len(find_sql_injection_3) != 0:
sqli_found_list[x+1] = current_line_string
# Search for local file inclusions
find_local_file_inclusion_1 = re.findall(local_file_inclusion_1, current_line_string)
if len(find_local_file_inclusion_1) != 0:
lfi_found_list[x+1] = current_line_string
find_local_file_inclusion_2 = re.findall(local_file_inclusion_2, current_line_string)
if len(find_local_file_inclusion_2) != 0:
lfi_found_list[x+1] = current_line_string
find_local_file_inclusion_3 = re.findall(local_file_inclusion_3, current_line_string)
if len(find_local_file_inclusion_3) != 0:
lfi_found_list[x+1] = current_line_string
# Search for remote file inclusions
find_remote_file_inclusion_1 = re.findall(remote_file_inclusion_1, current_line_string)
if len(find_remote_file_inclusion_1) != 0:
rfi_found_list[x+1] = current_line_string
find_remote_file_inclusion_2 = re.findall(remote_file_inclusion_2, current_line_string)
if len(find_remote_file_inclusion_2) != 0:
rfi_found_list[x+1] = current_line_string
# Search for cross-site scripting attempts
find_cross_site_scripting_1 = re.findall(cross_site_scripting_1, current_line_string)
if len(find_cross_site_scripting_1) != 0:
xss_found_list[x+1] = current_line_string
find_cross_site_scripting_2 = re.findall(cross_site_scripting_2, current_line_string)
if len(find_cross_site_scripting_2) != 0:
xss_found_list[x+1] = current_line_string
find_cross_site_scripting_3 = re.findall(cross_site_scripting_3, current_line_string)
if len(find_cross_site_scripting_3) != 0:
xss_found_list[x+1] = current_line_string
find_cross_site_scripting_4= re.findall(cross_site_scripting_4, current_line_string)
if len(find_cross_site_scripting_4) != 0:
xss_found_list[x+1] = current_line_string
find_cross_site_scripting_5 = re.findall(cross_site_scripting_5, current_line_string)
if len(find_cross_site_scripting_5) != 0:
xss_found_list[x+1] = current_line_string
# Close the file we opened recently
# Generating a short report
print "[i] Done."
print ""
print "[#] Simple report for analyzed log file"
check_for_sqli_attempts = len(sqli_found_list)
if check_for_sqli_attempts > 0:
print "[!]", check_for_sqli_attempts, "SQL injection attempt(s) was/were found."
print "[+] No SQL injection attempt was found."
check_for_lfi_attempts = len(lfi_found_list)
if check_for_lfi_attempts > 0:
print "[!]", check_for_lfi_attempts, "local file inclusion attempt(s) was/were found."
print "[+] No local file inclusion attempt was found."
check_for_rfi_attempts = len(rfi_found_list)
if check_for_rfi_attempts > 0:
print "[!]", check_for_rfi_attempts, "remote file inclusion attempt(s) was/were found."
print "[+] No remote file inclusion attempt was found."
check_for_xss_attempts = len(xss_found_list)
if check_for_xss_attempts > 0:
print "[!]", check_for_xss_attempts, "cross-site scripting attempt(s) was/were found."
print "[+] No crosse-site scripting attempt was found."
# Now generate the report
print ""
print "[i] Generating report..."
# Define variables for the report name
time_string = strftime("%a_%d_%b_%Y_%H_%M_%S", localtime())
time_string_for_report = strftime("%a the %d %b %Y, %H:%M:%S", localtime())
name_of_report_file = provided_file + "_scan_report_from_" + time_string
# Convert the ints to strings
sqli_numbers = str(check_for_sqli_attempts)
lfi_numbers = str(check_for_lfi_attempts)
rfi_numbers = str(check_for_rfi_attempts)
xss_numbers = str(check_for_xss_attempts)
# Create the file
generated_report = open(name_of_report_file, "w")
# Write the content
generated_report.write("Simple Log File Analyzer\n")
generated_report.write("Scan report for " +provided_file + " on " + time_string_for_report + "\n")
generated_report.write("Hint: XSS attempt discovery feature might be a little bit buggy.\n")
generated_report.write("Number of possible SQL injection attempts found: " + sqli_numbers + "\n")
generated_report.write("Number of possible local file inclusion attempts found: " + lfi_numbers + "\n")
generated_report.write("Number of possible remote file inclusion attempts found: " + rfi_numbers + "\n")
generated_report.write("Number of possible cross-site scripting attempts found: " + xss_numbers + "\n")
if len(sqli_found_list) != 0:
sqli_found_list_string = ""
sqli_found_list_string = "".join(str(sqli_found_list))
generated_report.write("Details for the SQL injection attempts (line, log entry)\n")
if len(lfi_found_list) != 0:
lfi_found_list_string = ""
lfi_found_list_string = "".join(str(lfi_found_list))
generated_report.write("Details for the local file inclusion attempts (line, log entry)\n")
if len(rfi_found_list) != 0:
rfi_found_list_string = ""
rfi_found_list_string = "".join(str(rfi_found_list))
generated_report.write("Details for the remote file inclusion attempts (line, log entry)\n")
if len(xss_found_list) != 0:
xss_found_list_string = ""
xss_found_list_string = "".join(str(xss_found_list))
generated_report.write("Details for the cross-site scripting attempts (line, log entry)\n")
# Close the file
print "[i] Finished writing the report."
print "[i] Hint: The report file can become quite large."
print "[i] Hint: The XSS attempt discovery feature might be a little bit buggy."
print ""
print "[i] That's it, bye!"
print ""
print ""
# End of the log file function
# Checking if argument was provided
if len(sys.argv) <=1:
for arg in sys.argv:
# Checking if help was called
if arg == "--help":
# Checking if a log file was provided, if yes -> go!
if arg == "-file":
provided_file = sys.argv[2]
# Start the main analyze function
### EOF ###
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