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Created December 27, 2019 14:09
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Perfect Spring DTO (ours)
package com.scottlogic.springdto;
import javax.validation.constraints.NotBlank;
import javax.validation.constraints.Positive;
import lombok.Value;
public class Example {
public enum ProductDto{;
public interface Id{
* The identifier for this product.
* IDs are unique amongst products but may be
* repeated across other entity types
Long getId();
public interface Name{
* The product's name as should appear on the site.
* Any capitalisation here should be stored in the
* database but any filtering should be case-insensitive.
String getName();
public interface Price{
* The amount that we sell a product for in GBP.
* This includes our margin but should not include
* any delivery fees or VAT.
Double getPrice();
public interface Cost{
* The amount that it costs us to purchase this product
* For the amount we sell a product for, see {@link Price}.
* <b>This data is confidential</b>
Double getCost();
public enum Request{;
@Value public static class Create implements Name, Price, Cost{
String name;
Double price;
Double cost;
public enum Response{;
@Value public static class Public implements Id, Name, Price{
Long id;
String name;
Double price;
@Value public static class Private implements Id, Name, Price, Cost{
Long id;
String name;
Double price;
Double cost;
private static <DTO extends Price & Cost> Double getMarkup(DTO dto){
return (dto.getPrice() - dto.getCost()) / dto.getCost();
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Actually, I think I'm mixing things up... you don't mention transformation of the domain objects to DTOs.

I still want to hear what you have to say about the previous structure, so I'll keep the comment. =)

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I have the same question of @brunodrugowick, how do you go from a model to a dto like this?

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I might suggest that records would be an nicer fit removing the need for the static classes and the lombok annotations while maintaining immutability. For even more conciseness take a look at the @RecordInterface part of RecordBuilder here

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