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Last active December 25, 2015 20:58
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Listing of useful gems (please refer to individual gem gist for more detailed information)


  • Always check the github for instructions to install + configure
  • Refer to for gem discovery
  • Always install gem one-by-one
gem "haml-rails" # this is for HAML HTML output

gem "bootstrap-sass" # this is for bootstrap inclusion + css coding (CSS files go into /assets/stylesheets/)

gem "httparty" # this is PHP-CURL in ruby

gem "rails_admin" # backend admin panel

gem "devise" # good user authentication gem (needed with rails_admin)

gem "simple_form" # HTML form for frontend user panel with data management needs

gem "pry" # binding.pry to add breakpoints for debugging in rails c

gem "shoulda" # shoulda testing frameworks

gem "money-rails" # manages money data fields (include currency and cents and operations)

gem "enumerize" # enum data fields

gem "validates_timeliness" # validates date

gem "capybara" # view testing framework (js:true) 

gem "git-deploy" # live server deployment (if not heroku)

# Automation of reloading of browser, bundle and rspec
# Need to run guard in console in order to work
gem "guard-livereload", require: false
gem "guard-bundler"
gem "guard-respec"

# View page abstraction for testing
gem "site-prism"

# Faster server loading in development (does not work with guard)
gem "zeus" or gem "spring"

# default rails 4 gem that loads HTML body via ajax instead of reloading the page
gem "turbo-links"

# Use unicorn as the app server: multi-threaded server
# Unicorn is also the app server for our own custom server
# Unicorn is also needed if you need to push to Heroku
gem "unicorn"
gem "foreman" # use foreman start to start the unicorn server

gem 'delayed_job' # delegate intensive processing to a worker thread (heroku ps:scale worker=1000 to add a worker dyano)
gem 'workless' # works with delayed_job to wake worker thread in heroku instead of running the worker thread all the time

gem 'refinery' # Most popular CMS gem for ROR

gem 'paper_trail' # Audit trail gem

gem "activeresource" # Wrap your RESTful web app with Ruby classes and work with them like Active Record models.

# Prints objects in pretty format in console and rails
gem "awesome_print"

# Shi fu's gem to simplify flash message output in layout
# add '= flash_messages' in application.haml
gem 'rails_utils'
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